X-Arcade TankStick Mouse 3 mapping
With newer tank sticks there is a red button in the upper right corner that, when pressed should emulate "Mouse Button 3" but this is not available for me to map.
Ultimately I would like to make this the hot key to escape out of Mame (and other emulators).
evtest have the following for me:
/dev/input/event0: Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver
/dev/input/event1: Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver
/dev/input/event2: SIGMACHIP USB Keyboard
/dev/input/event3: HID 1241:1111
/dev/input/event4: SIGMACHIP USB KeyboardMouse 3 doesn't show an event on Xbox 360 (1 or 2) it only shows an event when pushed for HID 1241:1111
Is there away to get that to be mappable for the Mame menu?