Solved Recalbox 7.1.1 - Wifi not working, not connecting
Hi all,
I've automatically upgraded from 7.0.1 or so to 7.1.1: it seems I can't connect to my WiFi at home anymore, edited SSID and PW also directly in the .conf file, set region to US, rebooted etc. nothing really helps. Had a "$" in the PW, escaped it with "", this also should be no problem...
Any idea
, is there a logfile with error messages etc. that would help. Otherwise I have to analyze my WLAN / network with tools e.g. Wireshark.
Recalbox: 7.1.1, Rb 3b+
fredisback81 -
@fredisback81 hello
Use region=FR or JP
enable ertm = 1 in the recalbox.conf file. -
Hello @fredisback81 and @Scavy,
I had the same problem with the version 7.1.1 on PC 64 bit.
I changed the WiFi region from JP to FR in the recalbox.conf file and it is working perfectly now,.
Thanks and regards.
thanks a lot for your help and info!
I tested with a 2nd WiFi (5 Ghz, WPA2, AES) on my other router (modem):
set recalbox.conf file WiFi region to "FR" and it worked like a charme!The PW was set without special characters like "$".
I also tested my original (1st) WiFi setup (also 5 Ghz, WPA2, AES) on my first router:
also set recalbox.conf file WiFi region to "FR" or "JP"; however it still does not work. The PW has set a special character like "$".Did you have special chars in your PW? It could be there is either a bug in the migration (update from 7.0.1 to 7.1.1) of the recalbox.conf file or other WiFi bug, if you have special chars in the PW? Did something change... other than input method over GUI (circle) in this area in 7.1.1? As far as I know everything worked regarding WiFi in 7.0.1.
Do we have to escape this special character (like mentioned in the recalbox.conf file) or better not? If yes, also escape it over input via GUI? Thanks. I will try out different things today.
fredisback81 -
Hi all,
again tried the 1st WIFI setup (router: TP LINK WDR 4300, with DD-WRT) with the login (WPA2, AES, no TKIP), which has a special character like "$" in the password: Still no luck.. Will set a new PW.
Could it be a bug in 7.1 or 7.1.1 or a migration bug from 7.0.1 to 7.1.1? In the release notes were some WIFI fixes mentioned, or WPS support added.
Could a fresh installation help? Don't want to lose the "SHARE" partition with its roms, setup, scraped data and configs etc.
fredisback81 -
Could it be a bug in 7.1 or 7.1.1 or a migration bug from 7.0.1 to 7.1.1?
Everything indicates that the problem is in the special character of the password, see this:öglich/3
Could a fresh installation help? Don't want to lose the "SHARE" partition with its roms, setup, scraped data and configs etc.
Maybe, but there is no way to guarantee, you would need to test ... If you want, see this tutorial to help you: -
Hi @Zing
@Zing said in Recalbox 7.1.1 - Wifi not working, not connecting:
Everything indicates that the problem is in the special character of the password, see this
Exactly.. yes.. as I have thought - thanks for the link and the tutorial !
Ok, I'll do another research today (WiFi region, channels, encryption etc.) and try out different other things, as mentioned in the french online manual and will try to debug wifi:****r-wifi
That problem seems to exist much longer (also mentioned in other threads). If I find a workaround, I'll post it here.
Additionally I may create an official issue to the project on gitlab: post another update here.
fredisback81 -
Hi all,
after some analysis I finally found the issue now. I analyzed a few things: WiFi channel width, encryption, config, password with/without special chars etc.
Note: it is no problem if special chars in the PW are used and it seems it is also no need to escape them anymore!
I found in my WiFi router security settings WPA2 with SHA256 being set which caused the client RECALBOX failing to connect and appear shortly as LEGACY device and disappear afterwards. However, the option WPA2 without SHA256 was also set and I expected a connection fallback to this option which did not happen!
Therefore I opened an issue to the project on Gitlab, please find a more detailed description here:
The workaround now was to de-select the option WPA2 with SHA256, or create an additional VAP (virtual access point) for clients which do not support WPA2-SHA256.
Hopefully, this thread and information should help also other members which have troubles to connect. Looking forward for your feedback and a happy new year 2021!
fredisback81 -
Hi all,
this is issue was confirmed as bug in the current version 7.1.1. It could be solved and the fix will be included in the next release.
"V7.1.1 - RECALBOX WiFi intf fails to connect if WPA2 with SHA256 is set" for the next version says
"- Fix wifi support for open, WPA-PSK-SHA256 and WPA3-Personal (#1492)"So, also issues with open and WPA3 Personal WiFis will be fixed