Hello Recalbox developers, let me start by thanking you for this wonderful project! I just installed 4.0.0b1 and I am having some trouble with my Logitech F310 controllers and my XArcade controls. First things first, I am desperate to make these work before 4.0.0 is finalized, so I am willing to get what ever log you need and try to document error messages I see when I can. I'll start tonight after work. But here are my observations so far, the Logitech F310 would not map correctly using the default settings in Recalbox. Right trigger 2 would not map, and all the triggers would map as axis +3(5,ect). I used the config and turned the playstation driver to (0) and the xbox driver to (1), as well as the XArcade driver to (1). I was then able to correctly map the Logitech F310 controller, this time with BTN# for all the buttons. This allows the controller to work in N64! But, there started to be issues immediately. Games display an error message in yellow (I'll take a picture later), and sometimes the screen will say that the xbox driver has crashed. I then lose control in the games, including the ability to stop the game. The controller always works in emulation station, just having issues on game launch. The XArcade controller, I plan on ONLY using in MAME and FBA. But, I found that the arrow keys mapped to the control stick worked in emulation station, including the letter a worked to select things. So the XArcade stick works fine in emulation station, but in mame, only buttons mapped to numbers, 1,2,3,4, ect worked in the mame control fig menu. No letters worked what so ever. And I have no idea HOW I am going to get piFBA to work as there is no mame config menu available. I'll have more information available later today, and will provide what ever information you ask. Thank you for the help!
Logitech F310 & X-Arcade Issues
Hello Recalbox developers, let me start by thanking you for this wonderful project! I just installed 4.0.0b1 and I am having some trouble with my Logitech F310 controllers and my XArcade controls. First things first, I am desperate to make these work before 4.0.0 is finalized, so I am willing to get what ever log you need and try to document error messages I see when I can. I'll start tonight after work. But here are my observations so far, the Logitech F310 would not map correctly using the default settings in Recalbox. Right trigger 2 would not map, and all the triggers would map as axis +3(5,ect). I used the config and turned the playstation driver to (0) and the xbox driver to (1), as well as the XArcade driver to (1). I was then able to correctly map the Logitech F310 controller, this time with BTN# for all the buttons. This allows the controller to work in N64! But, there started to be issues immediately. Games display an error message in yellow (I'll take a picture later), and sometimes the screen will say that the xbox driver has crashed. I then lose control in the games, including the ability to stop the game. The controller always works in emulation station, just having issues on game launch. The XArcade controller, I plan on ONLY using in MAME and FBA. But, I found that the arrow keys mapped to the control stick worked in emulation station, including the letter a worked to select things. So the XArcade stick works fine in emulation station, but in mame, only buttons mapped to numbers, 1,2,3,4, ect worked in the mame control fig menu. No letters worked what so ever. And I have no idea HOW I am going to get piFBA to work as there is no mame config menu available. I'll have more information available later today, and will provide what ever information you ask. Thank you for the help!
I found these two posts. http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/x-arcade-tankstick-with-two-players-in-mame/ http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/x-arcade-en-usb-non-reconnu-dans-les-jeux-mais-menu-ok/page/2/#post-20116 How up-to-date with 4.0.0b1 is this? Is this on the config file already or is this separate?
Couple of questions, Did you enable Twin Arcade support in your config? https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/XArcade-configuration-(EN)
I just booted the machine, and I was able to use the configure controller in the menu to configure the XAcade player 1, but was unable to do so for player two. Also, in games, the controller didn't work.
Is it a first or second generation X-Arcade I saw confirmation earlier that Only third generation X-Arcade is supported.
I got further with configuring the Xarcade controller's including getting mame2003 mostly configured. I used a keyboard to assist with this. But, the two logitech f310 seem to be "crashing". They just stop working, and I loss the ability to do simple things, like exit games, so I have to reboot by turning the power off on the raspberry pi 2......
Found more information here about the F310 controllers crashing. http://www.reacttant.com/r/RetroPie/comments/3u468x/discovery_issues_with_logitech_f310_in_321 Is this useful to anyone?
I will check after work today what version it is.