Hello, guys.
Is there anyway to turn on the system after have turned it off by controller? All the consoles now-a-days do that and should be more safe to turn on and off without plug-in and plug-off the power supply.
Hello, guys.
Is there anyway to turn on the system after have turned it off by controller? All the consoles now-a-days do that and should be more safe to turn on and off without plug-in and plug-off the power supply.
@Zing thank you for your reply. Actually I was looking for some code that makes me able to turn on my Recalbox by connecting or turning on my controller. The button can also help
@phantomsan I believe that this function does not exist, you are comparing consoles now-a-days with cards like Raspberry Pi, which are extremely cheaper, smaller, and whose original purpose of these cards is automation in the do-it-yourself style.
Rpi are not developed specifically for games, and to make the cost cheaper, they have limited functions, you need to add hardware to add functions.
As you can see in the links I posted, it is possible to add this type of function via GPIO, and, as I just said, RPi-type boards are intended for automation and DIY: so, theoretically, you can do your arcade control, and in it, add a button with this function. I know this is not what you want, but it is as close as I can imagine, due to the limitations I have already mentioned.
@Zing I see. Thank you for your time. I'll try to create some kind of button based in your links. I'm going to close this topic. See you