6 Oct 2020, 15:09

First off, I'd like to congratulate and thank the team for their work with the new version. Awesome work and it was well worth the wait!

I am running running Recalbox 7 on Raspberry Pi 4. Since I have plenty of HDMI cords, but no HDMI Micros, it was cheaper, greener and easier to get an adapter. It works fine, however, the adapter puts an uncomfortable amount of pressure onto the USB-C power cord, which I'm afraid is going to wear out the contacts on board with the USB-C port over time.

Question: The Raspberry Pi allows you to change the port used via the configuration file on Raspian. I'm aware Recalbox does not run on Raspian, but unless I'm missing something, is there a way to change the port to the other, more distant Micro HDMI port?

Thanks again!