How to configure Recalbox 6.0 Dragonblaze for Waveshare GameHat
@greenalex @SuperPuissant Thanx 4 ur feedback.
Superpuissant, vu ton pseudo j'imagine que tu es francophone. Pour le hat ce que j'aimerais savoir c'est surtout la prise en main ça m'a l'air assez cossu. Pour ce qui est des compléments imprimés en 3D, je vais oublier, pas équipé. Par contre tu me dis que c'est bruyant... Madame risque de râler si ça clique-tique à côté d'elle pendant une émission TV XD Dommage la puissance du 3b m'aurait bien plu ! En tout cas merci pour ton retour qui m'apporte quelques réponses. -
@scavy Salut, oui sans coque 3D c'est honnêtement assez désagréable à tenir en main et le bruit des boutons de base est vraiment désagréable. C'est assez dommage car une fois moddé correctement c'est une machine assez sympa a utiliser, avec une forme qui rappelle la game gear.
Si tu es curieux, tu pourras trouver et faire imprimer des coques 3D ici: moi let top serait un module pour le GPI permettant d'utiliser un Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3+, qui n'est pas beaucoup plus gros qu'un rpi zero. Esperont que ce soit possible un jour!
Thanks for the settings, unfortunately, they're not helping me with my issue.
Do you also have the flickering/tearing in some games? -
@diehardman Hi, my apologize for the delay... I’ve recently broke down the screen of my waveshare
. But before I never had this screen problem. It’s very strange.
Thanks for the detailed params !
Just bought a discounted Waveshare GameHat for an unused pi3b+.I also updated the wiki ( with these precious informations.
Hello, I just updated my gamehat with the 6.1, and the control are not correct, I can't use the select button, when I try to map it, then it go back the previous line (in the pad mapping utility)
@cissou ok the solution, is here :
Hi @cissou!
I'm having the same problem as you; I can't map the "Select" button (when I click it, goes like a page up) and, when I started the controller configuration wizard (holding a button when Emulationstation starts), I noticed that my Recalbox is recognizing 2 controllers, not one.
How did you fix it? I didn't saw the solution in the link you passed. Just to isolate the problem, I tested with the Waveshare image (Retropie pre-configured - working ok, out-of-the-box) and the latest Retropie image (installed the drivers, everything working too).
Best regards.
please update on recalbox 6.1.1
Hello @acris!
Thanks for the reply! Just updated and it's working fine now, with the settings in this thread. It's recognizing just 1 controller and the "Select" button is working fine too. The only additional step that I needed to do was reconfigure the gamepad, because the hotkey wasn't working.
Other thing, but I think it's GameHAT related it's the color depth. I think it's running in 16 bit; anyway, for gaming it's fine.
Besides that, everything is perfect. Thank you very much.
Best regards.
Hey. I’m trying to setup my game hat. But it has a raspberry pi3 A+. Would this still work
@03svtwhippled that the diagram of the gpio is identical to the rpi3 b + and adapts according to your model.
The tutorial is still valid