@konitchoa I've added those lines in recalbox.conf.... Same result. Black screen, it's seems running, but black screen :
amiga600.videomode=CEA 19 HDMI
amiga1200.videomode=CEA 19 HDMI
amigacd32.videomode=CEA 19 HDMI
@bkg2k : sure, and the link is always non functionnal with my xu4...
Well, I tried everything, Still black screen and have to reboot each time...Too bad for me, i wanted an amiga revival first.
-adf only for my games
-good kicks
-link error for each process ssh To find problem with the browser interface
@konitchoa Are you using the HDMI output? If yes, what's the resolution of your TV/Monitor?
@bkg2k : hi, i'm in hdmi outpout with full hd Samsung tv
@konitchoa : or any pc screen fhd
@konitchoa I've added those lines in recalbox.conf.... Same result. Black screen, it's seems running, but black screen :
amiga600.videomode=CEA 19 HDMI
amiga1200.videomode=CEA 19 HDMI
amigacd32.videomode=CEA 19 HDMI
I've got a big update with my trouble, i made an identical copy of bios and roms folder on my pi3b+ -> amiga is functionning Well...... There is a problem with the odroid.....
@konitchoa Not an Odroid problem. My own one works very well with my amiga600, aliga1200 and amigaCD32 roms.
@loli72 : strict copy of roms and folders, bios etc...working with raspberry, black screen with odroid...unbelivable problem..,.
@Konitchoa I just received a brand new Odroid XU4Q and I can confirm Amiga 600 and Amiga 1200 works on Recal box 6.0