Hello everyone, is there a way to edit the retroarch config files manually?
please could you help me? I know that this could be a very noob question but i really need to edit the config file of retroarch, i want to set diferent control configurations per core, so i want to edit it manually like in the windows version. How could i acces to those files? Please, explain it like im four years old. Thank you so much and excuse my terrible english, my native languaje is spanish
Hello read wiki page : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Custom-controller-mapping-for-specific-system-(EN) read wiki recalbox.conf page : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/recalbox.conf-(EN) modified recalbox.conf to add custom mapping to core
## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for the emulator : ;snes.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg # ------------ I - EMULATORS CHOICES ----------- # ## You can override the global configuration here ## Here is the snes example ;snes.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI ;snes.core=snes9x_next ;snes.shaders=/recalbox/share/shaders/shaders_glsl/mysnesshader.gplsp ;snes.ratio=16/9 ;snes.smooth=0 ;snes.rewind=1 ;snes.emulator=libretro ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for the emulator : ;snes.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg -
Ill give it a try. Aother question: why when i select to save the new configs in the retroarch menu (hotkey+b), the new config doesnt save?
im sorry i cant understant what i have to do!
You need to have "configuration save on exit" and "configuration per core" both set to on.