Distribution Recommendation for Compilation
which Linux Distribution is recommended for building it?
Hi, You can choose the distrib you want, i recommand an apt-get based distrib so you can use the createRecalboxOS.sh without modifying it. Ubuntu or debian will be ok.
Thank you, I tried yesterday Debian Wheezy. I had no success
First I got apt-get install error for qt5 stuff. I got rid of them by switching to the jessie main sources. When the compilation starts it ends with an error and asking for a 'hg' packages. I am not at home at the moment, so I can't provide the exact error yet. I will try with the newest stable Ubuntu version this evening.
by the way, which distriubiton do you use to build it?
by the way, which distriubiton do you use to build it?
The question is for you retroboy
Hi, i build it on ubuntu 14.10.