Amiberry and multiple disk in zip file
I started with the February beta version of Recalbox (Amiberry 2.24 version) and try if i could get it work, that a game with two floppy disk in one zip file (named "Filename (Disk 1 of 2).adf" and "Filename (Disk 2 of 2).adf" can be automatically matched to the floppy drives df0: and df1:. But i had with different test no luck. Everytime the Disk 1 will used with df0:, but Disk 2 will be not found and because of the zip file, it could not be changed over the Amiberry menu. I found with a web search - even it changes nothing. But i am also not sure that my personal use file is used completely. The changes, wich rom should be used is ok. But when i had a lock in the config from WinUAE, they use for the floppy name floppy0= and floppy1=, instead of floppy_drive_0 and floppy_drive_1. When i unzip the files to use them manually in Amiberry, it works, but then i have two disk in the menu of the Amiga section. Another idea was to move them to a folder. In this case i have on the top list auf the Amiga section the name of the game, but when selecting, it switches into the folder and shows again the two disk. But i want only one entry for selection, so a zip file seems to be the better solution.
Is there a chance to get this work or is this something, which can't work in the actual Recalbox version? Or exists a configuration that only one entry will be shown and the floppy disk files will be hidden?
You'll never get multiple disk in the same zip file working.
Just keep disks in separates files (zipped or not) and use a scraper to hide disks > 1. -
I did not know the differences in the implementation of Recalbox, Amiberry, if there is a fs-uae-launcher used or not in comparison to RetroPi or Lakka. But i found know for today a solution, to have only one file. I bought Amiga Forever 7 and 8 in the past and generate an RP9 file of this two disk. In the RP9 configuration, there is a mapping of up to four disk and which one is used for booting. This works fine. The only difference was, that booting from ADF shows the status information of CPU, Drives and more, using the RP9 this information is hidden by default. Perhaps it can be changed, but i found actually no switch.
@ilion Yes, an RP9 package is also a good solution