I started with the February beta version of Recalbox (Amiberry 2.24 version) and try if i could get it work, that a game with two floppy disk in one zip file (named "Filename (Disk 1 of 2).adf" and "Filename (Disk 2 of 2).adf" can be automatically matched to the floppy drives df0: and df1:. But i had with different test no luck. Everytime the Disk 1 will used with df0:, but Disk 2 will be not found and because of the zip file, it could not be changed over the Amiberry menu. I found with a web search http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=84285 - even it changes nothing. But i am also not sure that my personal use file is used completely. The changes, wich rom should be used is ok. But when i had a lock in the config from WinUAE, they use for the floppy name floppy0= and floppy1=, instead of floppy_drive_0 and floppy_drive_1. When i unzip the files to use them manually in Amiberry, it works, but then i have two disk in the menu of the Amiga section. Another idea was to move them to a folder. In this case i have on the top list auf the Amiga section the name of the game, but when selecting, it switches into the folder and shows again the two disk. But i want only one entry for selection, so a zip file seems to be the better solution.
Is there a chance to get this work or is this something, which can't work in the actual Recalbox version? Or exists a configuration that only one entry will be shown and the floppy disk files will be hidden?