@dh04000 no, for now only the Raspberry Pi GPIO is supported.
GPIO support in non-raspberrypi
Does Recalbox have support for GPIO in any other platforms, XU2, C1/C2, Rockboard, x86?
@dh04000 no, for now only the Raspberry Pi GPIO is supported.
I found a version of wiringpi ported to odriod boards, if that helps. https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-xu4/application_note/gpio/wiringpi
@dh04000 of course wiringPi is ported on odroid, but Recalbox doean not use it for GPIO controller. We are using un kernel module, so it has to be rewritten to match odroid's GPIO.
@ian57 said in GPIO support in non-raspberrypi:
@dh04000 of course wiringPi is ported on odroid, but Recalbox doean not use it for GPIO controller. We are using un kernel module, so it has to be rewritten to match odroid's GPIO.
Darn, sounds like it would be serious trouble to implement.
Recently I have grown tired of the Pi's limitations and slow hardware releases, and have cosidered moving to a stronger hardware platform, but my use case depends on GPIO access.
Any suggestion on how i can implement this(https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Emulator-interactions-via-GPIO-mapping-(EN)) without GPIO access?
Thank you.