February 2019 Beta Version
@acris bonjour , désolé rpi3b+ sd 128g Sandisk. Manette Xbox ou 8bitdo nes pro 30
pour le compteur de fps faut aller dans retroarch->
settings > onscreen display > onscreen notifications et désactivé "Display Frame Count" -
Est ce que la Dreamcast fonctionne sur les rpi3b+ sur cette nouvelle version de recalbox ?
Is the Dreamcast works on rpi3b + on this new version of recalbox?
@voljega Non, les WHD en .lha fonctionnent directement. Certains packs en zip ne fonctionnent plus (le nouveau loader chercher un repertoire avec un .info dans la racine de l'archive).
Pas d'inquietude cependant, la grande majorité des packs WHD fonctionnent sans soucis -
Pour Atari ST en faite ma gamelist est passer de 1835ko a 1k ! elle était vide
pourquoi mystère et boule de gomme....
Bonjour et encore merci pour tout.
Ma config est la suivante: rpi3b+, sd sandisk 32go, clé usb sandisk 256go, retroflag superpi case, et manettes 8bitdo sfc30. Bien entendu, beta de février 2019.
Le petit souci que je rencontre est que l'appairage bluetooth de mes manettes n'est pas mémorisé lorsqu'il est réalisé, conformément au wiki 8bitdo de recalbox, en allumant la manette avec start+r . L'appairage se fait, mais dès le redémarrage de la manette ou de la recalbox, l'appairage est perdu, tout comme la configuration des boutons la manette.
En revanche, lorsque je fais l'appairage en allumant la manette avec start, aucun souci: l'appairage est maintenu après reboot.
En filaire, le problème existe aussi: évidemment pas pour l'appairage, mais la config de la manette n'est pas sauvegardée après reboot, si j'ai démarré la manette avec start+r.
A noter que je ne peux absolument pas dire si ce souci est lié à cette nouvelle beta ou s'il est antérieur, car par la passé, je démarrais ma manette avec start, contrairement aux instructions du wiki. -
@bkg2k et les répertoires whdl avec uae à côté marchent toujours ?
with Radeon R9 380X still extreme slow and laggy.
To All Amiga Fellows
Since the WIKI is not yet updated, here is a quick intro to the new Amiga emulator!
Amiberry has been upgraded to v2.24 on Raspberry 2, 3B(+) and Odroid XU4.
This is a big b*mp, and the new version supports lots of new features!Sub-systems
In Recalbox, Amiga machines have been split up in 3 virtual sub-systems:
- Amiga 600:All OCS/ECS machines from A1000 up to the latest A600
- Amiga 1200: All AGA machines, starting from the 1200
- Amiga CD32: The only true console from the Amiga series
The CDTV is not yet supported, although the Recalbox theme and CDTV configurations are ready. It will be added later as a new sub-system, as soon as Amiberry fully supports it.
Supported "roms"
Here is a list of supported file format per sub-system:
Amiga600 & Amiga1200:
ADF disks (*.adf), the most popular disk format (cannot embedd disk protections). May be zipped or 7-zipped.
IPF disks (*.ipf), mostly used by no-intro dumps (can embedd disk protections). May be zipped.
WHD (folders, *.lha/lzh/lzx, *.zip), the well known format for hard-drive games. WHD folders are reconized using the inner *.slave file, however it is highly recommended to keep them packed in lha or zip format. Unpacked WHD are not faster and even worst they may make EmulationStation slow as hell
HDD FS, Hard drive on filesystem. Must be folders ending with ".hd" extensions. Rarely used. For true amiga fellows that backuped their Amiga HD. May be zipped, but not recommended.
HDF (*.hdf), Hard drive images in a single file. May be zipped (R/O!)
RP9 (*.rp9), Amiga Forever all-in-one packages -
Amiga CD32:
ISO (*.bin, *.iso, w/ or w/o *.cue), CD dumps. May be zipped
Other CD image formats may be supported but haven't been tested by the recalbox team.
When running zipped/7-zipped files, our configurator try to identify the rom type by seeking for specific extensions inside the archive. ADF/IPF/BIN/ISO are fast to identify. WHD are fast, but LHA should be prefered. HDDFS may be longer to check and may lead to some misinterpretations. If you are using HDDFS, let them as regular files & folders and make the root folder name ending with
for fast identification.Overriding configurations
As you can see, this new Amiberry supports all amiga "rom" formats. To make things easier for everyone, we have made a huge work to auto-magically configure the emulator regarding what you want to start.
Recalbox build a default machine configuration per sub-system, however, in some situations you may want to override the auto-generated settings.Recalbox generates config files in /tmp/amiga/conf. The most important is the uaeconfig.uae file, where you will find all keys defining the machine, disk drives, hard drives, etc.
I cannot describe all keys here. If you're curious I recommend you to take a look at the appropriate Amiberry and UAE documentations.You have two ways to override settings:
By system:
Create a file named
to override Amiga1200)
Set the key you want to override.
For example, you can make a config file with:
to disable LED display in the bottom right corner.By game
Create a file named exactly like your "rom" (or folder) but that ends with
For exemple, in your rom folder, if you have a file namedAladdin (AGA).ipf
, you may create anAladdin (AGA).uae
and override keys in this file.Recalbox builds the configuration in the following order:
- Build the default config regarding the rom type and the sub-system.
- Load
if the file exists, and add/overwrite the config keys. - Load
if the file exists, and add/overwrite the config keys.
In game
As in other emulators:
HoyKey + START quit the emulator
HoyKey + B run the Amiberry interfaceBIOS
The new Recalbox comes with an open-source kickstart replacement, the AROS bios (2019 version).
Our auto-magically configurator use this bios when no other BIOS is available in share/bios folder. Several games have been booted & tested successfully using the AROS bios.
But keep in mind that this is a replacement. It is highly recommended to get the required bios. In particular if you want to run WHD games, because the Amiberry's WHDLoader may change bios settings and seek for the best available kickstart.Here is the list of new required kickstart:
- kick33180.A500.rom (Kickstart v1.2 rev 33.180 (1986)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000).rom)
- kick34005.A500.rom (Kickstart v1.3 rev 34.5 (1987)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000-CDTV).rom)
- kick37175.A500.rom (Kickstart v2.04 rev 37.175 (1991)(Commodore)(A500+).rom)
- kick39106.A1200.rom (Kickstart v3.0 rev 39.106 (1992)(Commodore)(A1200)[!].rom)
- kick40063.A600.rom (Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.63 (1993)(Commodore)(A500-A600-A2000)[!].rom)
- kick40068.A1200.rom (Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A1200).rom)
- kick40068.A4000.rom (Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A4000).rom)
- kick40060.CD32.rom (Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.60 (1993)(Commodore)(CD32).rom)
- kick40060.CD32.ext.rom (CD32 Extended-ROM rev 40.60 (1993)(Commodore)(CD32).rom)
Hope it helps
@voljega Ils devraient je pense, mais je n'ai pas retesté. Sous forme de repertoires, avec un share distant sur NAS, si tu n'actives pas "gamelist only", tu as le temps d'aller te pendre 3 fois avant qu'EmulationStation ne se lance
@bkg2k top
plus de fichier .whdl complémentaire comme expliqué là en bas : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Amiga-sur-Recalbox-(FR)
ou la fonctionnalité est toujours là ?
@voljega La fonctionnalité est toujours là, mais d'après les gars d'Amiberry, elle risque d'être retirée, donc faut plus compter dessus.
@bkg2k ah mert' !
Unfortunately I can not launch any games. Black screen and then it goes back to the gamelist.
I tried to remap my controller. CONTROLLERS SETTINGS -> CONFIGURE A CONTROLLER -> ecc..
Everything works perfectly in menus outside the games, but the games don't start! :((
My controller is a PS3 Shaman Xtreme 90304 (a clone of the original PS3 controller). This controller works perfectly with the stable version 18.07.13 -
@maxmoro77 What hardware? What emulator? What game?
There nothing more useless than a: "it doesn"t work"! -
@bkg2k said in February 2019 Beta Version:
@maxmoro77 What hardware? What emulator? What game?
There nothing more useless than a: "it doesn"t work"!Sorry,
It's a Rasperry Pi 3B+, I only tried the games already included with recalbox. No game works. -
@maxmoro77 Ok, that's more useful
Can you check, while remapping your PS3 pad, that no "axis" appear in L/R/L2/R2/L3/R3 ? -
@bkg2k said in February 2019 Beta Version:
no "axis" appear in L/R/L2/R2/L3/R3 ?
No, no "axis" appear in L/R ecc..
only correct BUTTON 4, 5, 6, 7, ecc...
I know how to access via ssh to my rpi3b+ if I can help.
Thanks! -
Wow, Nice beta update! a lot of stuff to test.
Congrats guys! -
Other bug for me, when I restart recalbox, the pad is no longer paired with the Rpi bluetooth. I must reconnect via usb, pair again and remap.... but the games no works.