Are you using a Bluetooth dongle or internal bluetooth? If donlge, do you know which chipset it has? (CSR or Broadcom?)
I‘m using CSR based dongle in Pi3 B. And I have not tried internal Bluetooth, because it sucks on Pi3 B, way too much input lag.
These problems seem to be gone with Pi3 B+. In latest christmas beta, pairing of latest 8bitdo controllers do not get lost and no input lag there with it‘s internal bluetooth. But this beta brings other problems, that‘s why I stick on latest stable and the „old“ Pi3 B Hope there is a stable, final version soon...
Further I can‘t understand why so less people seem to have this reproducible issue. Maybe it‘s because this forum is visited mostly by french people who don‘t care about english/international posts. -> Same in beta-thread, most communication is french and my english posts seem to be ignored. Even though in first post moderator wrote communication should be in english, so as many people as possible can contribute... I know, Google translator could help, and so on... but in the end it’s a bit annoying and much information gets lost!