Recalbox Manager - Monitoring fails on 2010 Mac mini (including workaround)
i've installed Recalbox on an 2010 Macmini (Just dding the image onto the harddrive and creating the share-partition by my self).Everything works just fine (exept load heavy shaders, but thats what i get for such an old low performance hardware)
except the monitoring in the Recalbox manager.Examin the problem results in
returns a 500, since in /usr/recalbox-manager2/dist/routes/get.js at line 189 there is:
currentTemp = (0, _child_process.execSync)('cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp').toString() / 1000;
But there is no /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0, in fact with at least this kernel there is no thermal reading at all.
I've fixed this for be my remounting / rw and changing sayed line to:
currentTemp = (0, _child_process.execSync)('cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp || echo -1').toString() / 1000;
which results in a disabled Temperature reading, but all other readings work just fine.
Im willing to fix this in the sourcecode and create a PR, but i did not found this pice of code in
There seems to be a python implementation.So, is this a thing that should be fixed?
Where is the code located?Thank so long!
@schorsch3000 that’s v1 (old) manager.
Check this one out: -
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