Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...)
@cascav : you need the 2 BIOS files "exec.bin" (CRC32 : CBCE86F7) and "grom.bin" (CRC32 : 683A4158) in your "share/bios" folder.
@harko Thanks
Works fine
PS : with the new Christmas Beta, Superpi Case's swithes are working fine natively, without Retroflag scripts
Really? I had to install the script as usual to get it working... (https://github.com/RetroFlag/retroflag-picase)
I found this in Libretro documentation, I hope can help you with Intellivision an Faircild Channel:
GamePad functions for Intellivison:
Controls:​- Mini-Keypad - allows the user to view and select keys from a small Intellivision pad in the lower corner of the display.​
- Controller Swap - Some Intellivision games expect the left controller to be player one, others expect the right controller. This isn't a problem if you have two controllers (and don't mind juggling them) but users with only one controller or using a portable setup would be effectively locked out of some games. Controller Swap swaps the two controller interfaces so that the player does not have to physically swap controllers.​
D-Pad: 8-way movement​
Left Analog Stick: 16-way disc movement​
B: Left Action Button​
A: Right Action Button​
Y: Top Action Button​
X: Use the last selected keypad button. ​
L/R: Shows in screen the Mini-Keypad, you can select keypad button.​
Start: Pause​
Select: Show in screen the controller swap​
GamePad functions for Fairchild Channel F:​
Console button overlay: ​
-Access to the console buttons is provided via an overlay. Pressing 'start' on either controller will display the console buttons. You can select a button by moving left and right and press the button with any of the face buttons (A, B, X, Y). Pressing 'start' a second time will hide the overlay.​
Controls: ​ - Console Overlay - allows the user to view and select console buttons.​
- Controller Swap - Controller Swap swaps the player 1 and player 2 controllers.​
D-Pad Up, Left-Analog Up: Forward​
D-Pad Down, Left-Analog Down: Backward​
Y, L, Right-Analog Left: Rotate Left​
A, R, Right-Analog Right: Rotate Right​
X, Right-Analog Up: Pull Up​
B, Right-Analog Down: Push Down​
Start: Show/Hide Console Overlay​
Select: Controller Swap​
I didn't find anything for the Atari 5200. Do you recommend use a keyboard instead of a gamepad?
@jorgemagana that information from the libretro docs is known by the team. The difficulty relies on creating the controls.svg for this unclear and changing controls.
The rule of thumb is that it is always better to use the closest to the original matching type of input device. And for something like intellivision, where you have more buttons on the original controller than on a full size controller (ps dualshock, x-box, etc), it is impossible to have all buttons mapped at the same time.
So please, if you find an unambiguously way to create the controls.svg files for any missing system, create the files and share them with us, either uploading them yourself to our gitlab repository or here. -
@paradadf Yep. I have tested a little burger Time and Frog Bog. It works but no easy at the beginning with the touchpad, L2 for me, on pad sf30 pro. I would test more tomorrow.
@lhari84 : I confirm that Retroflag scripts are useless since the 18.06.27 stable release. But you have first to uncomment that line at the beginning of your "recalbox.conf" file, by deleting ";" :
In my opinion, Recalbox script offers better behaviors with the "reset" switch when you are in game...@cascav : is it possible for you to test one or all of the 4 games I mentioned above and confirm graphical problems on your board ?
Auto Racing, Centipede, Commando, Defender ; or Hover Force (totally glitched during the fly !). I can MP you my list of names for the 55 unplayable games (out of a total of 119 official "Master Component Releases"). -
@harko Thanks for info, sounds good. I will try it by uncommenting in recalbox.conf next time I do a fresh installation (instead of using Retroflag's script)
@harko i've tested your games.
Auto Racing: impossible to pass the first corner ( with two cars)
Centipede: impossible to fire to break objects
Commando: no problem for me
Defender: pass through the mountains and explodes.
Hover Force: agree with youNot easy to play with "select" for some games.
Yes. Give me your list. I will test
@harko said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
@lhari84 : I confirm that Retroflag scripts are useless since the 18.06.27 stable release. But you have first to uncomment that line at the beginning of your "recalbox.conf" file, by deleting ";" :
In my opinion, Recalbox script offers better behaviors with the "reset" switch when you are in game...@cascav : is it possible for you to test one or all of the 4 games I mentioned above and confirm graphical problems on your board ?
Auto Racing, Centipede, Commando, Defender ; or Hover Force (totally glitched during the fly !). I can MP you my list of names for the 55 unplayable games (out of a total of 119 official "Master Component Releases").I've already installed the script, how can I unistall to use default recalbox mode?
bonjour a tous, une très grosse mise a jours viens de sortir pour atari st , est-elle prévue pour la version beta de recalbox pour la tester par la suite ? merci
Hatari 2.2.0 (2019-01-31)
Principaux points forts de cette nouvelle version:- Nombreuses améliorations / corrections apportées à la CPU 68030 concernant les MMU, les caches, la gestion des erreurs de bus
- Amélioration de l'émulation de FPU softfloat
- Amélioration du partage du bus blitter dans certains cas rares
- Gestion du signal VBlank et masquage des 2 dernières lignes lorsque la bordure inférieure est supprimé
- Correction des tables DSP ROM (sin, mulaw et a-law)
- Pour DSP, certains cycles d'attente n'étaient pas comptés correctement lors de l'accès à des registres DSP IO en mode CE - Prise en charge expérimentale de la puce NCR5380 SCSI en mode Falcon et TT
- Très Prise en charge expérimentale de la puce SCC des Mega-STE, TT et Falcon
- Prise en charge expérimentale de TOS 2.07 (le "Sparrow" TOS)
- Emulation correcte du traitement des erreurs de bus pour les registres STEpen Lightpen
- L'option d'accélération "patch TOS timer-D" est maintenant désactivée par défaut (pour améliorer la compatibilité par défaut)
- Autorisez jusqu'à 512 Mo de TT-RAM (au lieu de 256 Mo) et enregistrez / restaurez le contenu de TT RAM dans des instantanés en mémoire
- Améliorez l'instantané en mémoire Fiabilité de la sauvegarde / restauration
- Afficher plus d’informations dans la barre d’état (FPU, cycle de mode exact)
- Ajout d’une option de permutation d’octets IDE au fichier de configuration et à l’interface graphique
- L'enregistrement AVI avec codec PNG peut être limité à 4 Go avec certains OS
- Nombreuses modifications apportées le débogueur
- L’interface utilisateur Hatari Python a migré de PyGtk v2 vers Gtk v3
@actarus31 ces nouveautés ne concernent, pour l'instant, que l'emulateur Hatari en stand-alone.
Recalbox utilisant son pendant libretro, nous devons attendre que le tout soit porté dessus.
Actuellement, la bêta utilise déjà la dernière version libretro disponible. -
@paradadf : Hi ! I've tried the Intellivision on my laptop, with Christmas Beta for x64 and... Strictly the same behavior as Pi3B+
Many many ROM are broken due to severe graphical glitches, or freezes.
Retroarch says "v1.0", but on the official SourceForge the core has been uptdated recently. Maybe an update is possible or required for the stable release ?
https://sourceforge.net/projects/freeintv/Some quickly conclusive ROMs for your tests : Hover Force (big mess), Auto Racing, AD&D - Cloudy Mountain (you have to enter a mountain), Centipede (no bullets), Defender (many missing sprites), Nova Blast (Freeze after 2 seconds of gameplay), etc.
I hope it can help you and good luck for the home stretch !
@harko we use the libretro port of the core and do not develp it, so I‘d suggest to wait for the next beta where the core will be updated to its latest libretro version, test it again and report any bug to the libretro core github.
@paradadf : I will
Thanks !
Hi all, i'm dying to get a stable recalbox for my pi 3 b+. recalbox is the best emulator os, nothing else comes close... i'd like to contribute and help get it to the finish line. can someone help me figure out where to get started? I looked at the issues in gitlab and it seems like there are a bunch of things that aren't relevant to getting to parity on 3 b+ with the existing functionality. imo we should focus on parity and get it working, and then work on adding enhancements. where should I look to find open issues with existing functionality on the 3 b+. thanks for the help and all the hard work that has gone into this project, it really is awesome.
If you cannot find "bug" issues, this is because everything has been fixed and closed.
There is no "hidden" bug tracker. -
@paradadf : Bonjour. La modification du thème supprime les manettes 8Bitdo bluethoot qui étaient associées, et il est impossible de les associer à nouveau.
@bkg2k ok gotcha, just wanted to make sure I was looking in the right place, didn't think to filter on just bugs. I'll take a look.