Solved New BIOS not show up in start menu
I'm a newbie on Recalbox.
I tried to make a bootable USB and installed Recalbox on it with sucess.
I added some BIOS, like Genesis and Atari, but didn't show up on start menu, and i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.Thank's for any help.
@pablo_jf what do you mean by "start menu"? Did you add roms in the Genesis/Megadrive and Atari's folders ?
@gaetan i mean the Recalbox start screen, where you roll between consoles.
No i didn't put any rom yet, just upload bios files. -
@pablo_jf Bios files don´t show up, roms do.
@pablo_jf so now, put your roms in your systems's folders and then they will appear in your start menu (aka carousel)
@gaetan thank you very much to ask a so noob question. I put some roms and it work. Thanks for the patiance.