Recalbox resolution
I am running recalbox with retroarch and am having an awful time trying to figure out how to change resolution on all emulator cores in retroarch.
I am running an arcade cabinet with a crt wellsgardener monitor which has 800x600 max resolution. Running a hdmi cable from rpi3 ti hdmitovga converter then Into the arcade monitor.
I figured out a command line in config.txt on how to get emulation station showing on the monitor, but when I run any core from retroarch or fba I get an out of sync error.
I have messed with many different configs in config.txt and recalbox.conf file but I cannot work out why it is doing this.
The hdmitovga adaptor works as I can run an image I have on retropie fine with adaptor and all looks good.
N64 works fine all the rest of the cores drop out out of sync.
Any help please?
@ransom hi
Have you considered reading the doc ? Or even the recalbox.conf ? -
@substring I have multiple times. And tried many different changes. But got no change in result.
@ransom If it works with N64 then you really should have a look at you'll see n64.videomode=DMT 4 HDMI (which is the defeault setting for N64)
So, try to add for example
snes.videomode=DMT 4 HDMI
for snes, or fba_libretro.videomode=blabla for fba... in your/recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf
file -
@ransom setting
to either default or auto should work just perfect for you. You may still need to set the right hdmi group/mode in /boot/config.txt -
Great thanks for your replies I will try this out and get back to you.
I recall i did try global setting as default and it did not change. But it looks I may have to manually change each emulators configs for now
My HDMI mode and group is 2 & 9 for it to show emulation station without any out of sync problems.
@ransom the global meode is enough, you don't need to do it per emulator. Can you make a support archive please ?
I used =DMT 4 HDMI on all parts of the recalbox.conf and it now works. Thank you..
Now it's time to work out how I remap my key binds?
In retroarch gui only has the ability to remap buttons 1,2 &3 but not 4,5 & 6?
In neogeo emulator not sure how to re bind my button controls? anyone??
@substring What is a support archive?
@ransom plug your pi to network then http://recalbox/help if you're on windows, otherwise http://recalbox.local/help for apples and penguins