i just install the last version but the pic dont appear for all systems
[WIP] THEME ALEKFULL (for Recalbox 18.03.16)
Nice theme,
You should put game sinformations texts in white color instead of grey, it's difficult to read when the background is grey/blue.
I love ur theme! good work. Just a question, how can i put some songs for each console?
Hi everyone ;D
I read all the posts above and with the feedback from you I made some tweaks on the theme:- Changed the appearance of the menu to something closer to the standard Recalbox theme;
- Made some tweaks on gamelist view;
- Changed the font of the menu to support some special characters;
- Added music for each system;
- New colorsets: with possibility to change the menu color font to red or white.
@dragu said in [WIP] THEME ALEKFULL (for Recalbox 18.03.16):
I anyway installed your theme, it is just beautiful ! So take the small critics just as help. In the german selection menu some special characters are missing :
Sometimes white text not good visible depending of background. But I love it anyway. MS-Dos was just one dos version in the time, there was DR-DOS and some other, also some games runs under windows.- I made this artwork without logo this time (and new logos for the wheel)... the dos version is still there but under other name
That's it folks
Thx - Changed the appearance of the menu to something closer to the standard Recalbox theme;
J'adore, juste dommage qu'il n'y ai pas le synopsis des jeux et faudrait peut être une barre en bas dans la sélection des systèmes pour rendre le texte plus lisible
Perhaps too much changing ? Red text is not really an alternate for white.The problem was more that the text was partly transparent. But german syntax now ok.
PC logo is a little ugly, but I found something in your files that I cropped and adopted :
So for me, just to resume, old version was perfect, with no transparent letters on selection and correct special characters and little more neutral DOS logo.
I must also say, the sound is not an option for me, as with DAC card I cannot regulate the volume in ES. And with time, it will become nerving. So I think not really something wanted by most.
The responsable for the bad reading and the missing special characters was the font Perforama.otf. So I replaced also in former version 040118 Perforama.otf by Roboto-Medium.ttf in the systemview vertical.xml, vright.xml, vrlow.xml.
And excuse for the digging in your craftwork.But its anyway best.
i just install the last version but the pic dont appear for all systems
@gwyllion said in [WIP] THEME ALEKFULL (for Recalbox 18.03.16):
@nexusone13 and oddyssey to o2em
That's right is Missing the Odyssey2. Recalbox folder name is o2em. Follow the Link to the video game. Could you please do that for us?
Thanks for the awesome work bro! Cheers.
no news for this fantastic theme ???
If I read things like "the consoles overlap in wheel mode.." I would also stop. Because if somebody arrive to cut rectangular pieces of cake in an round pie, he is Hudini. And song wish is the same b.llsh.. So very difficult to satisfy everybody. The existing files and backgrounds and xml files are anyway easy to modify to own wishes. -
@dragu ce que je voulais dire, mais je crains que Google n'ait traduit ça "brusquement", c'était juste de savoir si le pas entre les images de la roue pouvait être modifié pour que les images ne se chevauchent pas. Sinon ce thème est très cool. D'ailleurs il est sur ma recalbox.
et pour le probleme quand je mets la derniere version tous mes arrieres plan son blanc et la roue aussi , je vois rien du tout
@virus-man j'ai eu le meme soucis, probleme resolu, il y avait un sous dossier dans le theme.
comment tu a fait ???
moi je vois pas de sous dossiers , la je comprends pas -
moi aussi , car moi chaque theme apparaît sauf celui de odyssée 2 et pc engine cd , cela vient d'où ?
@choum said in [WIP] THEME ALEKFULL (for Recalbox 18.03.16):
Is it normal this white awfull background on the new version ?
Yes, that's the default view
You can change the color in the Theme Settings menu or simply delete the square.png files inside the assets folder -
@dragu said in [WIP] THEME ALEKFULL (for Recalbox 18.03.16):
The responsable for the bad reading and the missing special characters was the font Perforama.otf. So I replaced also in former version 040118 Perforama.otf by Roboto-Medium.ttf in the systemview vertical.xml, vright.xml, vrlow.xml.
And excuse for the digging in your craftwork.But its anyway best.
Perforama.font has no special characters so I changed it in this new version.
I didn't realize it, because I tested here with the special characters for Portuguese (i'm brazilian) and there was nothing wrong
But thanks for realizing the missing special characters.@dragu said in [WIP] THEME ALEKFULL (for Recalbox 18.03.16):
Perhaps too much changing ? Red text is not really an alternate for white.The problem was more that the text was partly transparent. But german syntax now ok.
PC logo is a little ugly, but I found something in your files that I cropped and adopted :
So for me, just to resume, old version was perfect, with no transparent letters on selection and correct special characters and little more neutral DOS logo.
I must also say, the sound is not an option for me, as with DAC card I cannot regulate the volume in ES. And with time, it will become nerving. So I think not really something wanted by most.
Well, the white text is still there as option - just change in the Theme Settings menu to 'Blue/ White Menu Text' or 'Grey/ White Menu Text'
The PC logo is more neutral... i also made this DOS logo - just rename the dos.png to pc.png on the logo folderAbout the sound: just delete the lines below (80 to 82) on theme.xml and save
<sound name="bgsound">
</sound> -
@virus-man said in [WIP] THEME ALEKFULL (for Recalbox 18.03.16):
no news for this fantastic theme ???
Hey @ViRuS-MaN , how ur doing?
I'm kind of busy right now ... I went back to my job so I have little free time at the moment
I'm also working on a version for Recalbox of the wonderful theme made by SuperMagicom called Nostalgic
I have a lot of work to do to align all the scrapes in the right place, but everything is going well -
bonjour j'ai installé le thème alekfull avec la dernière mise a jour de recalbox, et tout marche sauf que j'ai ni le logo odyssée 2 , ni l'image , ni la musique, pourtant les fichiers sont bien présent comment remédier au problème ? merci