7 Mar 2018, 08:36

For this project I'm using a pi2 and I have two players with six buttons, start, select, and two hot buttons (currently not supported by recalbox), all wired to the pi's GPIO headers. Everything has been working great for the last several months however pin 15 (player 1 right) has stopped working.

I've tested everything and all except the header work just fine.

My question is: is it possible that something in recalbox could have gone bad (for example, pin 15 must be configured as an input instead of both an input and an output), or do pins on the GPIO header sometimes go bad?

Is there a recommended USB/other interface type board that one can use for two player controls?

For anyone who has had a similar problem and looking for a temporary fix you can map your bad button to the corresponding hot button that is currently not being used. For example; since my player 1 right button no longer registered, I wired it and reconfigured it to use player 1 hot key (pin 3 for the pi2).