Feature Requested: NAS Setup From ES's UI
I noticed that Recalbox 18.02.09 is out and there was a slight change in ES's UI to allow external source for rom games..
But unless I am mistaken, there is still significant level of effort for a person to SSH to the recalbox and make some configuration changes..
Therefore, my feature request is to update ES's UI to include all the remaining steps from a simple user interface in order to avoid to manually editing any file using SSH.
Unless you guys already have this requested feature in your github upcoming feature listing of changes?
@tdelios hi
That's some d**n much work, i leave it to ES champs, not for me -
@substring can you rope in the ES Champs so that they can have it on their mind or at least log it as a feature request to your laundry list of improvements on github?
@tdelios that's up to their free will and time ...