[SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager)
Hi everyone,
A new version of ARRM is available: (09/09/2023)
- Fixed: The copy of the 'Manual' file was not done when adding a manual via the icon of the 'Rom Information' panel (thanks msrecko)
- Fixed: On ArcadeDBItalia, screenshots had no dot before extension (ex 005png instead of 005.png) (thanks RGS)
- Fixed: In the Mix'Me Module, the MIX is dissociated from the IMAGE tag (unless you have chosen MIX as the IMAGE tag in combobox located in the 'Images Options' tab)
- Added: In the 'Scrape options' tab, 'Missing text only' checkbox allows during a scrape to update only checked missing text metadata. see wiki: http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=arrm_relooked_en:scrape_missing_text_en_relooked
- Added: 'Select' tab in which the buttons allowing you to make rom selections are centralized: Roms with missing media, Rom with missing text, Rom with missing overlay, Rom with missing Pad2key
- Added: 'Roms with missing media' button, allows you to highlight (select) games that do not have the media checked in the Settings / Images Options tab
- Added: 'Roms with missing text' button, allows you to highlight (select) games that do not have the texts checked in the ROM information panel. Only these texts are checked: Game Name, Description, Rating, Year, Developer, Publisher, Players, Genre, Regions, Languages
- Added: In the Mix'Me Module the extensions of the source media files are kept. (the .png is no longer forced)
- Added: In the Mix'Me Module, you can now select a media for the IMAGE tag
- Addition: in the 'Folder' tab, addition of the 'Mix' folder where the MIX images (from a template) are stored and suffix for the Mixes
- Added: 'Mix' checkbox in 'Images Options' tab: If checked, when creating a MIX using a Mix template (MIX in the 'Image TAG choice' combobox), the Mix image will be copied to the 'image' folder with the suffix defined for 'image' and in the 'mix' folder with the suffix defined for 'Mix'. If unchecked, the Mix image will be copied only to the 'image' folder with the suffix defined for 'image'
- Added: checkbox 'keep Gametitle (retroarch)': For users of the Retroarch frontend, allows you to configure ARRM to retrieve named media respecting the name of the game from .DAT files. Read the wiki: http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=arrm_relooked_en:keep_gametitle_retroarch_en_relooked
- Correction: when using template (MIX in the 'Image TAG choice' combobox), the resulting image will have the suffix defined for Mix, and will be stored in the MIX folder
- Correction: on when launching the application you could have this error message 'file not found: cache_database.mdb'
- Fixed: Fixed THUMBNAIL and MARQUEE tag affections on Launchbox.
Download link: https://shorturl.at/bintv
Donwload link for ARRM without installer : https://shorturl.at/osEN2
Download link for Beta: https://shorturl.at/orsW0Changelog : https://shorturl.at/chS18
ARRM WIKI : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php
Videos tutorial playlist : https://shorturl.at/gizDN
Donations : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=arrm_relooked_en:donations-en_relooked -
Hi everyone,
A new version of ARRM is available: (11/05/2023)
- Added: Textbox 'Ignore these files' in the 'Parameters' tab, 'Configuration files' Tab : Whe n loading a system, the indicated files are ignored. Can be used to ignore Bios files. You can use wildcards (* ?)
- Added: 'family' and 'mode' tag
- Added checkbox 'Ignore title search for these systems: 3DS, DS, GameCube, PS3, SWITCH, Wii, WiiU'. (this helps avoid bad naming)
- Added: Intercepting errors on invalid images
- Added: export module to retroarch. Allows you to export Media, Playlists and Overlays to Retroarch directories. See wiki: https://shorturl.at/BDIT5
- Added: Renaming of Artworks based on the game name / ROM file name. See wiki: https://shorturl.at/rSVY7
- Added: Checkbox 'Keep one genre' in the Gamelist tab: If checked, when saving the gamelist.xml, only the first genre of the game is kept. Warning: Other genres will be lost when you reload the gamelist.xml in ARRM
- Added: When exporting to 'Hyperslist' only the first genre of the game is kept.
- Added: When creating M3Us, alternative ROMs can be ignored via the 'Ignore Alternative Roms in M3U' checkbox in the 'Scrape Options' tab. The alternative tags sought are defined in 'Alternative Roms Tags' of the 'Configuration Files' tab
- Modification: Some special characters (c)(tm)(r) (~)² (cube)... are removed during the search to increase the chances of results.
- Modification: database engine detection method
- Modification: When searching for duplicates, the filter is retained. We can then make other filter queries on the selection of duplicates.
- Fixed : when using 'deleted unused artworks/videos' feature, 'extra1' images are taken into account
- Fixed : In 'missing media' mode, during a scrape with Screenscraper Multithread, the roundwheel was downloaded even if already present
- Fixed: Possible crash on other scrape engines, if 'seconds before ignore' was too large. It is now limited to 98 max
- Fixed : If an xml contained prohibited characters, a crash could occur after the alert message
- Fixed : Some images could be size 0 after unsuccessful compression: restoration of the original uncompressed image
- Fixed : The wheelround was not retrieved from HFSDB when the 'Missing Media' checkbox was checked
- Fixed: Deactivation of the search validation button by Title/Description/File when the textbox is empty (removes the resulting crash)
- Fixed: Various bugs
Download link: https://shorturl.at/bintv
Donwload link for ARRM without installer : https://shorturl.at/osEN2
Download link for Beta: https://shorturl.at/orsW0Changelog : https://shorturl.at/chS18
ARRM WIKI : https://shorturl.at/aiBLT
Videos tutorial playlist : https://shorturl.at/gizDN
Donations : https://shorturl.at/iAFJK -
@nexusone13 said in [SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
Hello everyone, I wrote this little utility to make it easier to manage gamelist.xml, scrape media, manage overlays and various other features for Recalbox, Batocera, Retrobat, Retropie, Emulationstation...
I make it available if it can be useful to you.Here's a rough outline you might consider for your article:
Briefly introduce yourself and your motivation behind creating the utility.
Highlight the pain points or challenges faced by users in managing gamelist.xml and related tasks across different emulation platforms.
Utility OverviewDescribe the features and functionalities of your utility in detail.
Explain how it simplifies tasks like managing gamelist.xml, scraping media, handling overlays, etc.
Highlight any unique or standout aspects that set your utility apart from others.
Supported PlatformsList the emulation platforms and systems your utility supports (Recalbox, Batocera, Retrobat, Retropie, Emulationstation, etc.).
Mention compatibility with different versions or releases, if applicable.How to Use
Provide a step-by-step guide on how users can utilize your utility.
Include screenshots or visuals to demonstrate its user interface and functionalities.
Offer troubleshooting tips or FAQs if there are common issues users might encounter. - Sumra Admission
Testimonials or User Feedback (if available)If you have received any feedback or testimonials from early users, include them to showcase the utility's effectiveness.
Download and SupportProvide links to download the utility or access its source code/repository.
Mention any support channels (like forums, email, etc.) where users can ask questions or seek assistance.
ConclusionSummarize the key points about your utility's usefulness and convenience.
Encourage readers to try it out and provide feedback for further improvements.
Remember to tailor the article's content and tone according to the platform where you plan to publish it. Additionally, including visuals and examples can greatly enhance the article's effectiveness in conveying the utility's value.
Source - Sumra -
Hi everyone,
A new version of ARRM is available: (24/12/2023)
- Modification: When searching on launchbox, removed the : in the game title, replace with -
- Fixed: Even if 'Keep one genre' was not checked in the 'Gamelist' tab, only one genre was saved in gamelist.xml (not in gamelist_arrm.xml which kept all genres)
- Modification: From now on when scraping on Arcade Italia, the game titles returned will be the long titles (eg: Top Driving (version 1.1.)) instead of the short titles (Top Driving). Use 'Clean Name' to remove this extra information.
- Modification: Retroarch export is compatible with the different Retroarch platforms (Windows, Android, Linux, Wii etc....)
- Modification: In the Retroarch export module, addition of the choice of 'Retroarch Cores folder' so that the correct core is indicated in the playlists (.lpl). Wiki : https://shorturl.at/dlrJN
- Fixed: When scraping with Missing Media checked, MIX enabled and no media checked, the MIX is now correctly generated.
- Added: For renaming Arcade Rom titles via DAT files, it is possible to indicate which DAT file to base on. See wiki: https://shorturl.at/jDEKT
- Added: It is possible to check the integrity of media (corrupt, unreadable, etc.) when loading a gamelist if the 'check if media exists' checkbox is checked, or via the 'Media exists?' button. from the 'Selected Roms' tab. If a media is corrupted, it is deleted as well as its reference in the database. See wiki : https://t.ly/4gOmm
- Added: It is possible to export a gamelist in %nom_platform%_GAME.csv format which you can use to constitute your GAME.CSV present in distributions such as 'GameStick Lite' See wiki: https://shorturl.at/CDHT9
- Fixed: Various bugs
Download link: https://shorturl.at/bintv
Donwload link for ARRM without installer : https://shorturl.at/osEN2
Download link for Beta: https://shorturl.at/orsW0Changelog : https://shorturl.at/chS18
ARRM WIKI : https://shorturl.at/aiBLT
Videos tutorial playlist : https://shorturl.at/gizDN
Donations : https://shorturl.at/iAFJK -
Hi everyone,
A new version of ARRM is available: (16 January 2024)
- Correction: If the 'stop' button had been previously used, the process linked to the 'Bezel project' button stopped immediately without processing.
- Modification: The local image search (checkbox: Find missing images) as well as the Renaming of Artworks ('Rename Artworks' button) now case sensitive.
- Addition : add 'assets.bezel' in Pegasus export. Wiki : https://shorturl.at/dfyMQ
Modification: URL modification of the Screenscraper API in order to relieve Screenscraper servers. - Addition: system for copying configuration files if not present when launching the application. This avoids overwriting your file settings.
- Correction: When translating a description, if the translation contained a & the text was truncated
- Correction: The checkbox '→1280×1024' in the 'Images Options' tab used to resize overlays produced incorrect coordinates for Batocera.
- Modification: On GameTDB the search via the Nintendo or PS3 game ID can be done if this ID is present in the file name between []. For PS3 it is not necessary for the ID to be between []
- Correction: retrieval of Thumbnail and Marquee tag images could be faulty.
- Modification: When retrieving Wheel / Wheel-hd from Screenscraper, ARRM will take one or the other depending on their availability
- Modification: During image recovery on Screenscraper, several retries are performed on images whose download has failed
Changelog: https://t.co/8bG1fCDa3o
Download link: https://t.ly/FHgdd
Donwload link for ARRM without installer : https://shorturl.at/dHLTV
Download link for Beta: https://t.co/BA35b7vK6SARRM WIKI: https://shorturl.at/hsy38
Videos tutorial playlist: https://shorturl.at/cuA49Discord: https://discord.gg/p7QsBTS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ARRM_sofware
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARRMbyNexusone13Donations: https://shorturl.at/hCGN5
Hi everyone,
A new version of ARRM is available: (17 february 2024)
- Fixed: When scraping SteamDB, an invalid game date could cause an ARRM crash
- Fixed: The 'export' button produced an error when it was clicked when no system was loaded into the database
- Fixed: During a Launchbox scrape the Extra1 image was not recovered when the 'Missing Media' checkbox was checked
- Fixed: When using the 'Rename Artworks' button, the application could crash if the 'Image' tag was not entered
- Added: Scrape engine configuration files and extensions file updated are stored in the 'database\original_config_files' folder.
- Added: 'Update system names' button in the 'Tools' tab which allows you to update your different scrape engines configuration files and extensions file with the systems that you have not declared without overwriting your own configurations. Wiki : https://rb.gy/nsgxgy
- Added: 'Shutdown' button in the 'Tools' tab which allows you to turn off your Frontend.
- Added: CheckBox 'Keep one region' in the 'Gamelist' tab: If checked, when saving the gamelist.xml, in the case of multiple regions, only the first region of a game is kept (respecting the order of priorities of the texts). If no match is found and there are multiple regions, the 'WOR' region will be selected. Useful for some themes that display a flag based on region
- Added: CheckBox 'Keep one language' in the 'Gamelist' tab: If checked, when saving the gamelist.xml, in the case of multiple languages, only the first language of a game is kept (respecting the order of priorities of the texts). If no match is found and there are multiple languages, the 'EN' language will be selected. Useful for some themes that display a flag based on language
- Modification: Taking into account disk references in square brackets when creating M3Us
- Modification: Taking cookies into account when calling the Screenscraper API
- Modification: Addition of various system names in the different scrape engine configuration files and the systems_extension.txt file
- Modification: The suffix for the media bezel can now be blank as well (formerly forced to -bezel when empty)
Changelog: https://t.co/8bG1fCDa3o
Download link: https://t.ly/FHgdd
Donwload link for ARRM without installer : https://shorturl.at/dHLTV
Download link for Beta: https://t.co/BA35b7vK6SARRM WIKI: https://shorturl.at/hsy38
Videos tutorial playlist: https://shorturl.at/cuA49Discord: https://discord.gg/p7QsBTS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ARRM_sofware
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARRMbyNexusone13Donations: https://shorturl.at/hCGN5
This post is deleted! -
Hi everyone,
A new version of ARRM is available:
ARRM (10 may 2024)
- Added: Checkbox 'Play a sound when the scrape form appears' in 'scrape options' tab , allows you to emit a horn sound when the scrape window appears and requests an action.
- Fixed : Sometimes when using the 'Delete METADATA' procedure a crash could occur.
- Modification: In the 'Images Options' tab, If the image tag choice was 'NONE', the 'Mix Template' Panel allowing you to choose a Mix did not appear.
- Addition: In the 'Select' tab, added a 'Select alternative Roms' button to highlight alternative Roms.
- Addition: In the 'Scraping Options' tab, addition of a 'Automatically hide alternative Roms' checkbox allowing, when loading the gamelist, to hide the alternative Roms.
- Addition: In the 'Rom Information' Panel to the left of the file name, addition of a button allowing you to copy the name of the rom file WITHOUT the extension to the clipboard.
- Addition: In the 'Rom Information' Panel to the right of the game name, addition of a button allowing you to copy the game name to the clipboard.
- Addition: In the 'General Options' tab, added a 'Disable tooltips' checkbox
- Added: It is now possible to search in the ARRM cache via file name (without extension) + system. Useful if you have decompressed or compressed your Roms and want to find your information in the ARRM cache.
- Added: media export module, gamelist and bezel for other types of hardware/OS, OnionOs style.... See Wiki: https://shorturl.at/sWY23
- Fixed: Crash when recovering wheel systems via the 'Recover Wheel Systems' button in the 'Selected Systems' tab
- Fixed: TheGamesDB search could crash when the platform was not found in the 'systemes_tgdb.txt' file
- Fixed: When searching on TheGamesDB, the 'Stop searching' button may not be displayed
- Fixed: When deleting a ROM, a crash could occur when deleting a non-existent associated image.
- Fixed: on HFSDB, with the 'Media missing only' option, the manual was still recovered even if it was already present
- Modification: "Seconds before ignoring" in the "Scrape Options" tab goes from 1200 seconds maximum to 90000 seconds maximum.
- Modification: Retrieving manuals from GamesDatabase could return a manual from another platform
- Modification: When changing disks, if no platform is present in your list of favorite platforms, all the platforms will be displayed in the platforms window
- Modification: Updated configuration files with OnionOS and Anbernic folder names.
- Added: Checkbox 'Delete files permanently?' : if checked the deleted files will be permanently deleted, otherwise they will go to the trash.
- Fixed: Error message when clicking on a template to download in the 'Download Template' module
- Fixed: The 'Check if systems exist in the scrape systems list' button caused an application crash.
- Added: Media, Gamelists and Roms export module to ES-DE. See wiki: https://shorturl.at/agh48
- Added: Checkbox 'Delete country in manual file name' in the 'Scrape Options' tab allows you to remove country suffixes (eu, fr, wor...) in Manual files retrieved from Screenscraper.
- Addition: For the Teknoparrot system it is possible to find the full name via the short name Teknoparrot. The dat_database.mdb file needs to be updated
- Modification: In the Retroarch export module, certain cores were not correctly populated.
Changelog: https://t.co/8bG1fCDa3o
Download link: https://t.ly/FHgdd
Donwload link for ARRM without installer : https://shorturl.at/dHLTV
Download link for Beta: https://t.co/BA35b7vK6SARRM WIKI: https://shorturl.at/hsy38
Videos tutorial playlist: https://shorturl.at/cuA49Discord: https://discord.gg/p7QsBTS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ARRM_sofware
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARRMbyNexusone13Donations: https://shorturl.at/hCGN5
Hi everyone,
A new version of ARRM is available:
ARRM (30 june 2024)
- Added: SteamGridDB scrape engine which allows you to recover Grids (boxart), Heroes (Fanart) and Logos (Wheel). See wiki: https://shorturl.at/P6Dpi
- Added: 'Select Best Roms' button in the 'Select' tab which allows you to highlight the best Roms for a given system. For more details, see wiki: https://shorturl.at/z4aKB
- Added: 'Add to Best Roms' button in the 'Selected Roms' tab which allows you to add the selected Roms to the list of 'Best Roms' for the current system. For more details, see wiki: https://shorturl.at/z4aKB
- Added: Combobox 'Interpolation Mode' which allows you to choose the interpolation mode when creating Mixes. See wiki: https://shorturl.at/QEtLZ
- Added: Combobox 'Kid ->' in the 'Scrape Options' tab allows you to select an age group / category. Games whose classification (ESRB, PEGI etc...) falls into this category will see the 'Kid' checkbox checked during a scrape on Screenscraper. For more details, see wiki: https://shorturl.at/8LeCY
- Modification: When scraping on Screenscraper, games rated 18+ will see the 'Adult' checkbox automatically checked and the 'Kid' checkbox unchecked. See wiki: https://rb.gy/0tuatw
- Modification: Update of the ScummVM and Daphne databases. To take it into account, click on the 'Daphne / Monkey Update' button in the 'Updates' tab. See wiki: https://rb.gy/btj6b2
- Modification: If you have the 'Auto save gamelist' option, when you uncheck a system and you have neglected to save your gamelist, the gamelist saving procedure will start
- Correction: Removed a crash in 'Save configuration files' linked to the absence of the age_verification.txt file
- Change: Reordered button IDs so that tab navigation is more consistent
- Modification: In custom collections files, the old /userdata/roms path is no longer recognized. Change to ./roms (Old paths format will be converted when adding new roms)
- Modification: The 'delete unused images and videos' function could not delete anything if the suffix -wheelround and -map were empty
- Modification: Update of top_games (Best Roms) : https://shorturl.at/z4aKB
Changelog: https://t.co/8bG1fCDa3o
Download link: https://t.ly/FHgdd
Donwload link for ARRM without installer : https://shorturl.at/dHLTV
Download link for Beta: https://t.co/BA35b7vK6SARRM WIKI: https://shorturl.at/hsy38
Videos tutorial playlist: https://shorturl.at/cuA49Discord: https://discord.gg/p7QsBTS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ARRM_sofware
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARRMbyNexusone13Donations: https://shorturl.at/hCGN5
@nexusone13 Thank you for sharing this tool
Hi everyone,
A new version of ARRM is available:
ARRM (01 october 2024)
- Fixed: The 'Move Roms to folders (Genre / Publisher)' module did not process any Roms if the XML file was not filled in.
- Modification: 'Screenscraper Request per day' and 'Screenscraper Ko Request per day' information is now visible on the database tab even when the database is not 'Undock'
- Fixed: In some cases, the creation of the gamelist.xml / gamelist_arrm.xml was executed twice.
- Added: In the 'Gamelist' tab, checked text tags will be present in the gamelist.xml file (gamelist_arrm.xml keeps all tags)
- Modification: 'Copy / Move Roms to folder' button: it is now also possible to copy the selected roms and their associated media to another system folder without deleting them from the initial folder. The gamelist will be created or completed in the destination folder. Be careful to read the wiki for the specifics of copying / moving: https://shorturl.at/VhOhF
- Correction: When launching ARRM on a computer that never had ARRM, the application closed after the splashscreen
- Correction: When applying a filter a crash could occur when using the 'show hide' button.
- Correction: fixed a bug which sometimes prevented the creation of thumbnails / marquees according to the values which had been chosen.
- Correction: Various bugs
- Modification: Use of Net Framework 4.8
- Fixed: App stopping after splashscreen
- Fixed: Sometimes ARRM key could jump (for donor users) in ARRM before 29 august 2024
- Fixed: Following a change at my web host, registered ARRM users were no longer recognized and some files were not accessible. (You may need to re-enter your ARRM key into the registry)
- Added: It is now possible to scrape Bezels on HFSDB
- Modification: The 'Delete METADATA' button offers a checklist of the METADATA you want to clear (request from PixelWizard) view wiki : https://shorturl.at/tnoDW
- Addition: 'Compression Image / Video' button in the 'Selected Systems' tab allows you to compress all images and videos of the systems concerned (request from Delirious)
- Added: 'Get systems media' button in the 'Systems Selected' tab, allows you to retrieve all media from checked systems respecting country priority. Voir Wiki : https://shorturl.at/CzScL
- Fixed: 'Rate me' button caused app crash
- Added : 'ARRM Folders Exclusion' textbox : When saving the gamelist.xml, the ARRM Folders checkbox will not apply to the indicated systems (separated by a comma). This allows, by ignoring custom folders, to speed up the creation of the gamelist on systems containing many subfolders, such as Windows, PS3, Teknoparrot etc…
- Added: It is possible to move Roms into subfolders based on Genre or Publisher (request by Bob_Morane). See wiki: https://shorturl.at/Yg3tr
- Modification: 'Game Name' is no longer taken into account by the 'Missing Text Only' checkbox. The Game Name is never empty (because it takes the name of the Rom file when empty), if 'Missing Text' was checked the game name was not updated following a scrape
Changelog: https://t.co/8bG1fCDa3o
Download link with installer : https://t.ly/FHgdd
Donwload link without installer : https://shorturl.at/dHLTV
Download link for Beta: https://t.co/BA35b7vK6SARRM WIKI: https://shorturl.at/hsy38
Videos tutorial playlist: https://shorturl.at/cuA49Discord: https://discord.gg/p7QsBTS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ARRM_sofware
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARRMbyNexusone13Donations: https://shorturl.at/hCGN5
@jamesssbot said in [SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
@nexusone13 Thank you for sharing this tool
https://atelierrebul.rs/kategorija-proizvoda/mirisi-za-dom/difuzeri/I agree Its helpful