Kodi does not show RAR files / br2_package_kodi_nonfree not installed?
I would like to be able to play movies that are compressed in RAR archives. I read on Kodi GITHub that br2_package_kodi_nonfree must be enabled in kodi.in at compile time.
I would like to know if it is enabled. If not how to enable it. Looks like it's here https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-x86_64_efi/blob/master/package/kodi/Config.in . Is it configured to be install? There is no select statement.
@françois-valiquette most chances that this non free package is not enabled -> https://gitlab.com/recalbox/recalbox/blob/master/configs/recalbox-x86_64_defconfig
So you'd have to recompile by yourself, we can't embed non free/non GPL-like softwar
@substring Then I guess I will have to follow https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Compilation-and-Modifications-(EN)
Can someone else confirm that?
@substring Thanks for the quick answers. I'll compile my own Recalbox and have some fun