I’m a hasperbery Pi3 user , and after upgrade recallbox 10.04.20 stable , I’m change my default theme from Galisteo_V2.3 to recalbox-next.
But after change it , I’m no longer able to change the theme for any other.
I get no error messages, the only symptom is when the new theme is choose , and we get out of the UI menu , Emulation Station resets and hangs in black screen with small recalbox logo.
The only way to get out of this hang is a forced shootdown by cli and it every back to Recalbox-next theme…
I'm able to start it again using RecalBox-manager or rebooting the box , but the theme is stacked on recalbox-next theme...
No errors was lited in /var/log/messages or in /recalbox/share/system/.emulationstation/es_log.txt
Any suggestion to handle with it ?