Hello everyone, does anyone know if images could be used as a preview of a Rom in Recalbox? or use a screensaver with random videos? I want to mount an arcade and I have seen that RetroPie can alternate with the frontend "Attract Mode", but I like 1000 times more Recalbox and I do not want to change to Retropie just to have that feature, is it possible to do this in Recalbox? If not, do they have plans to do so in the future? Greetings.
Solved [Doubt] Video snap and screensaver with random video
Hello everyone, does anyone know if images could be used as a preview of a Rom in Recalbox? or use a screensaver with random videos? I want to mount an arcade and I have seen that RetroPie can alternate with the frontend "Attract Mode", but I like 1000 times more Recalbox and I do not want to change to Retropie just to have that feature, is it possible to do this in Recalbox? If not, do they have plans to do so in the future? Greetings.
@2dsx no need to ask the same question in different languages, please.
Anyway, it isn‘t currently possible.