Recalbox 18.02.09 is out!
Is it possible to update omxplayer to the newest version so it has alsa support?
I have a bartop with rp3 and a USB sound card and I can´t get sound in the intro videosThanks!
When will KODI be updated to latest version?
@juakin sorry no ETA will be given.
I've added the bios for the nintendo ds but in what folder do I load the games?
@ishim7924 what board do you have ?
Since the update there is a folder "ports". Does anyone know what he is for?
@korni in which path ?
@Substring There is a new theme with the name "ports" and a new rom folder...
@korni give me the exact linux path. We haven't done anything at all regarding ports in this release
@korni looks like paradadf wanted to get rid of some stuff sleeping in his computer, ports are far from even being initiated on the OS side
@substring said in Recalbox 18.02.09 is out!:
"ports are from from even being initiated on the OS side"
What does it mean?
Could it be that it provides more information at the next update?
@korni definitely the oppposite: we are not working on ports at all.
@substring Ok. What a pity...
But the hope dies last, that someday there will eventually be ports for recalbox...
@korni as for every feature that is asked: it's most of time a matter of time and priorities. We sometimes have to go through some technical updates and it takes ages to prepare them ...
Ports is a different story ... We can't include every game that would compile otherwise updates will weight much more than now ... That's without evern considering how to "peacefully" build them wuthout any downside on the OS itself ... it's a complicated story, I tell you
@gona said in Recalbox 18.02.09 is out!:
Is it possible to update omxplayer to the newest version so it has alsa support?
I have a bartop with rp3 and a USB sound card and I can´t get sound in the intro videosThanks!
@gona even if we add alsa support we don't know which card/playback was set in ES when the video starts at boot, unless we make some (big) changes
Hi! Is it possible to make vibration work for psx games in this release?
I've been specting this feature so much.
Ty for ur work -
@pablo-ávila can't tell for rumble, never could make it work for any pad in recalbox yet (without even launching a game)