[Resolved] Xbox controller query
Hi I just want to check with you guys. I am making a recalbox for a friend who has Wired and wireless Xbox controllers. 1) I read recalbox.conf and saw this.
# ------------ D - XBOX Controllers ------------ # ## Xbox controllers are already supported, but xboxdrv can solve some compatibility issues ## Disable this if you use ps3 controllers ;enable_xbox_drv=0 ## set the amount of controllers to use with xboxdrv ;xboxdrv_nb_controls=2 so does it mean that , if I enable_xbox_drv=1 , and uncomment, xboxdrv_nb_controllers=2. That I can only use Xbox controllers? 2) Do I pair a wireless Xbox controller the same way I pair a ps3 controller? (pardon my ignorance, I have never really used an Xbox controller before)
Yes you must uncomment the two lines and enable it with a 1. But no you cannot pair xbox 360 wireless controllers like ps3 ones as you must have a xbox usb adaptator like this one http://astore.amazon.fr/httpwwwrecalb-21/detail/B00L42EMSY
Cool thanks Retroboy!