And what we should do to play sega saturn's games? Sega Rally Championship, Panzers, Virtua Fighter 2, Nights, Guardian Heroes, Shinning force, Dragon force, Daytona Usa, Duke nukem 3D, and Tomb Raider!! This are the best games for me!! please, think in introduce a sega saturn emulator
[Not possible - hardware restrictions] Sega saturn emulator
Hello everyone! Does anyone knows what I should do to install a Sega Saturn emulator in my Recalbox? Is it possible? Hola a todos! Sabe alguien como podria instalar un emulador de sega saturn en recalbox? Sabeis si es posible? Gracias/thanks
Hello ! Nope impossible and it will never happen on rpi2
Why? I'm sad now.
And what we should do to play sega saturn's games? Sega Rally Championship, Panzers, Virtua Fighter 2, Nights, Guardian Heroes, Shinning force, Dragon force, Daytona Usa, Duke nukem 3D, and Tomb Raider!! This are the best games for me!! please, think in introduce a sega saturn emulator
haha, when digitalLumberjack say "it is impossible", it is not because he don't want to add it to recalbox.... It is just that ... this is impossible. The saturn emulator will never be playable on a rpi2. The saturn is one the hardest system to emulate, so you need a powerfull pc to play it.
want to buy a sega saturn!!
Maybe on pi 3 ?
No , not powerfull.
please dont up very old topicsearch function : saturn&in=titlesposts