Dreamcast Not Working
I downloaded the GDI dreamcast games and put them in their own folders under \recalbox\share\roms\dreamcast
But when I try to launch the game from the main screen I get a black screen.
Am I supposed to download any bios similar to neo-geo and put it some folder on my recalbox, or simply having the roms in their own sub-folders under \recalbox\share\roms\dreamcast is good enough?
@tdelios Of course, take a look at the bios page on the web interface...
- DREAMCAST : e10c53c2f8b90bab96ead2d368858623 dc_boot.bin d6e11a23f1fa01cddb5dfccf7e4cc8d7 dc_flash.bin
@tdelios dreamcast bios goes into the bios folder.
In each rom folder there are readme.txt with informations and bios folder too...
Sorry for my bad english. -
Am I supposed to make a new folder under 'bios' and call it 'dreamcast' or use the folder that is part of the bios zip file it comes with and put the dc_bios.bin and dc_flash.bin files in it?
you need to add DC bios intro bios folder not sub-directory