In short I don't know if I can upgrade WHLoad and if yes how ?
I'm not using the latest version for the launcher nor for the games
Your ultimateamiga-questions (i don't have an account there):
How do you upgrade the WHDLoad package (I mean the one in 18.3 right now) from my old version ?
I find this WHDLoad topic quite complicated... especially complicated to describe. And then in English... (which I don't know so well). I have especially problems with the WHDLoad-wording
WHDLoad Package: you mean the content of /share/bios/amiga/whdl ?
I've changed this to 18.4 (beta, I was hoping to get ahead because of the "freeze"... no ;( ). But 18.4 works with all my Games - no "extra" Problems :). I know you want only use Releases: I Think: There is no reason not to switch to 18.3. Just replace 18.2 to 18.3 (you have 2 more Files in YOUR Package exitemu/uaequit ... see below: i have an question about this...)
- This is the most crucial point for me : Is it guaranteed that all my games in WHDL dumped for a previous version of the package will still work ? Is it 100% retrocompatible ?
/share/bios/amiga/whdl ? 18.4. works without problems. Some Games are 7-8 years old (long time before 18.2!) - no problems.
- Finally, is it possible to upgrade a game in WHDL format from say two years ago with the corrections done today. For instance, if I want to update Hero Quest for which a new whdload thing was uploaded last friday, can I just get the archive and use it to upgrade my previous WHDL version of Hero Quest ?
You talk about the heroquest.lha @ ? ... this is only an "Install-Package". You want to overwrite the files from the install package with the ones in your game package? Good idea/question! Because I have exactly the same problem with a game. I would like to have the current version - but I can't find it as a whdload-game-download. Only the "Install-Package" - I haven't tried it yet with overwrite.... Just try it.... and report:) I'm a little short of time
First: there is a new Version of uaequit:
Where'd you get exitemu? I don't find any information about this. You use this in your script (startup-sequence). I already swapped them for both uaequit - it didn't work (freeze...). At the moment i think: this 2 (3) files are useless I will comment this in the freeze-thread @ Amiberry ... If I have time for it (larger test series: I have noticed different behaviours in the different Amiberry versions - but I have to verify this first! If different versions react differently, the solution could come from Midwan/Amiberry in the next version - if he knows about it;)). (thought it out loud)