6 Jun 2015, 03:03

Update: Made all of the changes mentioned above with Notepadd++, saved the edited conf file again, reconfigured the input on my wireless 360 controller. The LED around the Xbox button on the controller continues to blink constantly instead of fixing in the player 1 position. The Xbox button no longer starts Kodi, but pressing the X (blue) button on the system menu results in a prompt asking if I want to start Kodi. The answer is always going to be NO. Isn't there any way I can get Kodi out of my life forever? Also noticing strange sound issues in some SNES games (notably Looney Tunes B-Ball, one of my favorites); tried switching which SNES emulator is used in the conf file from pocketsnes to Snes9x (I have played this game in Snes9x before with no such problems) but it makes no difference... I am suspicious this line in the conf file is not doing anything either.