I have transfered Sets of Roms from an USB stick to my SD card. (created the /share/ folder structure on my stick to simplify the copy by "cp -rv /media/usb0/share /recalbox/" )
But there where too much data on my USB stick and my SD card were filled at 100% (last files were writed with the size of 0 octet)
After that, under windows, with access to my raspberry trough my network, I deleted all the 0 octet files and some other big files to free some space .
But I have this problem :
I made free space (I can see free space with PartionGuru) but if I try to copy files Windows says that the folder is still full.
What happens under command line : (I wrote only the line with the problem, the others are ok)
df -h
Filesystem ....................Size...............Used..............Avail...............Use%...............Mounted on
As you can see see : I have 5G of free space but it says 100% use and 0 available
(Before I deleted some files trough windows, I had 0G of free space)
Is there a way to refresh the memory ? Or a way to get back my free space ?
Thanks in advance for your help !!