1 Dec 2017, 22:10

@tonificante you're missing the controllers string, your full command should look like that :

python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configgen/emulatorlauncher.pyc -p1index 0 -p1guid 060000004c0500006802000000010000 -p1name "PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller" -p1devicepath /dev/input/event0 -system amigacd32 -rom "/recalbox/share/roms/amigacd32/Flashback.iso" -emulator default -core default -ratio auto

To get the right controller string corresponding to your setup, boot up you recalbox normally and launch the game from emulation station.

Then through putty type ps -ef | grep emulatorlauncher and you will see the full string for the python command.
In my example the controller string part is -p1index 0 -p1guid 060000004c0500006802000000010000 -p1name "PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller" -p1devicepath /dev/input/event0 but this is only for one controller

This string depends of the connected controllers and the configuration for them in Emulation Station though, you have to get through YOUR ES with YOUR controllers connected