I have a problem:
After installing the last update in my recalbox, the games for ps1 disappeared. But in recalbox\share\roms\psx they are. How can I return the lost games?
P.S. Sorry, I use a translator.
I have a problem:
After installing the last update in my recalbox, the games for ps1 disappeared. But in recalbox\share\roms\psx they are. How can I return the lost games?
P.S. Sorry, I use a translator.
in recalbox 4.1 need cue file with bin file.
@acris, thank you!
@Vern you can use this: PSX CUE Maker to make a .cue file out of your .bin files.
i am not sure if this website will work correctly.
a cue file is not just a list of the bins, it also contains correct timestamps.
if they are wrong, the game will end up somewhere in a blackscreen.
best example for this is Tekken3, which endsup in a blackscreen after the arcade mode, if the CUE file is not 100% correct.
Some games have multiple .bin files when downloaded, then it works with this website.