Solved Confused Over Dos Games
@cthulhus well if you read everything I put in the last message what you're saying only work with the imgmount command and not the mount one
I also specifically said in the first message about this issue that the exact same command you're advising here doesn't work. That was the issue actually
sorry, just read the end
the end is always better
@dragu I'm having some trouble to map mouse button on the xbox controller (on shoulder buttons, either the ones below, or the ones up), it doesn't work.
my mapping is like that :
mbutton_left "stick_0 button 4" mbutton_middle mbutton_right "stick_0 button 5" maxis_y- "stick_0 axis 3 0" maxis_x- "stick_0 axis 2 0" maxis_y+ "stick_0 axis 3 1" maxis_x+ "stick_0 axis 2 1" directions works ok but the mouse clicks refuses to register
I noticed that for keybord keys the line is a little bit different :
key_enter "stick_0 button 9" "key 40"
could it be that the mouse click mapping is missing the original mouse event to "link" controller button and mouse click ? i dit it through the internal mapper though.
does it work for you, did you manage to use mouse buttons on a controller ?
for the moment I used it in Crusader with just left mouse button, and this is ok.
When I look now on the Keymapper Screen, mouse, the buttons M and R are grey out. Why, I dont know, because I was not needing. In the mapperfile,
exist, but are not defined. Necessary to dig.
I was just checking, the grey out in the interface means that it is not used. And he accept to use it. Give it a try over the Keymapper Ctrl+F1. Is also the easiest way the first time you create the -
@dragu I already did it through the keymapper
My left mouse button 1 works, but I use no other.
Dont forget to define mouse (buttons) in the game.mbutton_left "stick_1 button 3" mbutton_middle mbutton_right maxis_y- "stick_1 axis 3 0" maxis_x- "stick_1 axis 0 0" maxis_y+ "stick_1 axis 3 1" maxis_x+ "stick_1 axis 0 1" You know that you can map a few dosbox buttons together on one controller button ?
I used it for some cheat where you must press CHT keys. I mapped this 3 on one button and it works.
Also in some games, you have never buttons enough.
As example in Judge Dredd Pinball, I use Plunger controller button for plunger, go, ok, new game and one other controller button for esc, quit, and 8 (choose screen resolution to 800x600) -
@dragu well as you can see my conf has the same syntax and it's not working, I was only able to have a little activity sometimes on the right mouse button when putting it on the analogic trigger of the xbox360 controller, but nothing on the left one and even the right was only working partially
and it's not the same time something like that or other illogical think happens with the mapper, so I'm pretty much thinking that dosbox mapper is full of bugs
I must say, I am pretty happy with it. I am asking me if your problems dont come from the xbox360 controller ? With my USB dragonrise, nothing wrong. -
@acris it's not really easy because you can have several versions of the same game, wether it's using a cd or not, wether it's cracked or not.
you really have to understand dos command a little and after that it's not that complicated, I explained everything in the wiki pages, which I should simplify and rewrite a little'm also quite finished with my ExoDOSConverter which automatically convert games from this collection to recalbox format, but it is in python AND you have to use it on windows, so before releasing it I should find a way to package it easily to allow users to use it without installing python
Je ne sais pas. En principe il ya juste une ligne game.exe
Maintenant, s'il faut monter des images de CD, cela dépend de ce que l'utilisateur a à sa disposition. En plus certains jeux existaient sur cd et sur floppy. Je pense aussi que les gens regardent d'abord dans le forum ou ils peuvent, le cas échéant aussi poser des questions. -
@voljega okey, i understand, but you need to translate your tutorial in french too
@acris lol no problem as soon as I have time
@dragu Well I can confirm that dosbox internal mapper is an useless fully bugged piece of s**t.
I start a game with the following mapping (keeping only assigned button):key_esc "stick_0 button 8" "key 41" key_enter "stick_0 button 9" "key 40" key_lshift "stick_0 button 2" "key 225" key_lctrl "stick_0 button 0" "stick_0 button 4" "key 224" key_lalt "stick_0 button 1" "key 226" key_up "stick_0 axis 1 0" "key 82" key_left "stick_0 axis 0 0" "key 80" key_down "stick_0 axis 1 1" "key 81" key_right "stick_0 axis 0 1" "key 79" key_space "stick_0 button 3" "key 44" key_rctrl "stick_0 button 5" "key 228" mbutton_left "stick_0 button 6" mbutton_middle mbutton_right "stick_0 button 7" mouse clicks dont work, I go back into internal mapper with ctrl+F1, notices L and R for mouse are greyed out so I remapped them on the same buttons that before, saves and now I have :
key_esc "key 41" key_enter "key 40" key_lshift "key 225" "stick_0 button 2" key_lctrl "key 224" "stick_0 button 0" key_lalt "key 226" "stick_0 button 1" key_space "key 44" "stick_0 button 3" key_rctrl "key 228" key_up "key 82" "stick_0 axis 1 0" key_left "key 80" "stick_0 axis 0 0" key_down "key 81" "stick_0 axis 1 1" key_right "key 79" "stick_0 axis 0 1" mbutton_left "stick_0 button 2" mbutton_middle mbutton_right "stick_0 button 3" So I lost at least three button mappings I didn't touch, buttons used for mouse clicks have changed id for no reason at all and are clearly not the 2 and 3 button on my controller, and still besides my now totally messed up configuration, buttons 6 et 7 now works for clicks when they weren't working before and the map is refering to 2 and 3
@voljega aaaand ladies and gentleman everything seems related to a crazy parameter in dosbox.cfg, had to dig deep into cryptic forums to find that :
"If button wrap is activated, on joysticks with more than 4 buttons the higher physical buttons are mapped to lower logical numbers. For example physical button 5 is mapped to logical button 1, physical button 6 to logical button 2 etc."
So that f**kin parameter
when set to true actually restrict the number of buttons of your gamepad to the number of buttons of the emulated joystick, in that case 4 at most.... thus my button with higher id were erased or remapped automactically on lower buttonsEverything seems to work fine now, except the deadzone of course
@acris tiens cadeau :émuler-des-jeux-DOS
rajouté dans le How To aussi
bon c'est traduti à l'arrach et je m'aperçois que c'est assez mal rédigé, pas toujours assez clair, je le reformulerai à l'occas
@voljega merci merci je relirai à l'occaz, thank you very much
You dont feel that you should apologize to dosbox
Logical Gates : AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XNOR
Illogical Gates : bill
So software they steal from Jobs, hardware crap. :] -
@dragu no I'm allowed a little bad faith now and then
Came across this thread when trying out the new dosbox support in Recalbox...
@voljega said in Confused Over Dos Games:
Everything seems to work fine now, except the deadzone of course
Fought with that the other day, too. You can do that by OS joystick calibration with jscal. The created correction values contain a dead zone. The great thing is: but it does not calculate it. Hooray! It's always 0... The usual answer is jstest-gtk, which is not helpful in our case. So the only way I found was actually calculating the correction values with a deadzone myself...
Would be great if Recalbox would provide a UI calibration tool for analog joysticks.
In the end I found I don't need deadzones, if I just normally calibrate with jscal, and leave alone the calibration in DOS apps(and setting timed=false)
Unfortunately Recalbox lacks the jscal-store/jscal-restore tools to make the calibration persistent. So you'd also here have to create some homegrown udev magic...