Solved Confused Over Dos Games
@cotedeporc did yo try to modify timed=true to timed=false in the [joystick] part of your custom dosbox.cfg ? This solved my problem !
But apparentlybthere is no easy way to configure deadzone in dosbox...
@rockaddicted ok i will as son as i'll have tested a little more game, twenty or so (only 4-5 for now !)
@voljega no problem, take your time
Thank you.
@Dragu @Cthulhus feel free to complete it
@voljega great thank, I'll read that this weekend
J'ai rajouté un nouveau 'bug' : si on monte un cd en cue avec le bin associé dont le nom n'est pas dos-compatible le cd n'est pas détecté, il faut renommer cue,bin et intérieur du bin et c'est putain de strict, même les majuscules il n'aime pas alors qu'il devrait s'en foutre....
'bug' dans le sens où oui MSDOS pur ne sait pas gérer ce genre de nom mais ça marche sous Windows avec la même version de DOsbox, la 0.74.
Après elle est ptet modifiée manuellement cette version DOSBOX pour gérer ça je sais pas -
Feels weird playing old games like Colonization or One Must Fall 2097 with music and sounds as my old 486 SX didn't have any card sound :))
@Dragu @Cthulhus (continued in english to be readable by the greater number)
So I've now tested around 500 games of the ExoDOS Collection (which not be as complete as I thought because Judge Dredd Pinball sure as hell ain't in it !) and I would say around 15% have troubles or are not working.
By far the most common problem (70-80% of all games with problem) is the special mounting of directory as floppy or cd.
In dosbox.bat any command like the following lines , despite path beeing correct always raises a "Directory not found error"
mount a .\floppy\ -t floppy
mount d .\cd\ -t cdrom
I didn't try in dosbox.cfg to see if it was working and trying with imgmount returns a "Use mount instead" error
Those commands come straight from ExoDOS collection and works under windows with the same dosbox version (embedded in exodos)Any idea ?
Its silly question and I dont know if something will change, but do you already tried with slash instead of backslash ? -
@dragu no lol i'll try next time i encounter one
I just tried it out on my files, and imgmount was not working with backslash as he expect linux notifcations. -
@dragu hmmm whaaaat ? All my imgmount use backlashes ( \ right ?) without problems
I used
imgmount d "\recalbox\share\roms\dos\judgepb.pc\JUDGEPB.CUE" -t iso
instead of
imgmount d "/recalbox/share/roms/dos/judgepb.pc/JUDGEPB.CUE" -t iso
and he didnt found the CD.
Still some mistery for me behind dosbox. -
@dragu oh yeah but you're using full path so that seems logical at least.
Was it in dosbox.bat or dosbox.cfg ?
In dosbox.cfg -
@dragu ok well dosbox.cfg seems less picky anyway than dosbox.bat which only accept true dos filenames
In your story, could you work with variables with pathname inside such as %abc%\floppy\ ?
@dragu Hmmm I'm not sure at all I should try maybe
@dragu It does work in dosbox.bat using full path and quote :
mount a "/recalbox/share/roms/dos/Strategy-Gestion/fieldglo.pc/floppy/" -t floppy
Not my favorite solution though
And then it should work with
or evenc:\floppy
but I guess at that point in launching (dosbox.bat) the "." is set only for the dos filesystem and not the linux one.No idea why
doesn't work when it is well interpreted for the imgmount command -
Perhaps you could try something like thisset rpath = "/recalbox/share/roms/dos/Strategy-Gestion/fieldglo.pc" mount a %rpath%/floppy/ -t floppy I am not sure if I made no error and if it is functioning under dosbox.
@dragu still doesn't change the fact that the full absolute path is embedded in the conf
and so entirely dependent of recalbox and the game pathOk by perusing dosbox documentation, mount indeed only uses paths from the local filesystem whereas imgmount is capable of using both local filesystem and virtual dosbox path so i guess relative path with the mount command won't be possible anyway