MSX controller configuration in some ROMS
I have a Recalbox 4.0.2 with my RPI3.
I configured MSX bios files as requested and I can play some ROMS without problem (eg. GOONIES), using USB keyboard or controller.Other games require particular keys to start: FROGGER needs 1,2,3,4 to choose players/controller type, BREAKER needs A,B,C for same reason. I pressed the keys but nothing happened.
Is there a way to enable those keys? Is there a config file to configure mapping?
Thank you
Fod. -
may be help -
mmm i think that @Fodox talking about the keyboard. Some msx games need to press a key (1, 2, 3 or 4) for start the game.
I need 2 understand how can use a keyboard in some msx games.
@acris I'm sorry, doesn't help, the post you linked is about Mame, my problem is with MSX emulator.
I'm frustrated: with the 4.1 release, updated from previous 4.0.2, the keyboard magically worked perfectly!
Now I have updated to 17.11.02 and It doesn't work again... nooooo!!!
There will be something in the BlueMSX configuration, It has no sense.
It seems that keyboard is not recognized, but only with MSX emulator.
Keyboard is a Logitech mk260 with USB wireless.Any ideas?