27 Jul 2017, 23:16

Hi guys!

Ok @abunille and @rockaddicted , i do a clear installation to undo the old any changes.

After this, i configured again the joystick (Clone), and put an video here to you check if is correct. Youtube Video

I put the n64 roms into the corresponding folder. All roms in format .n64 and byteswapped (checked with tool64 application).

So, i tried start n64, without any modifications in recalbox.conf file and still don't works.


Ok, i open the recalbox.conf file, and i compare with other recalbox.conf file from the GitHub. In my file, was missing an text, who defines some configuration to n64:

0_1501196145971_n64 missing.PNG

So, i copy and paste this stretch to my file, and tried start n64, but still don't works.

I tried apply the modification about the video mode (link), changing n64.videomode=DMT 4 HDMI to n64.videomode=CEA 1 HDMI , but still don't works.

This is my output from tvservice command: 0_1501197056735_tvserivce.PNG

After this, i do the processes to get the recalbox support file, described in this link. And here is my support file: GoogleDrive File

So, i get the log via ssh with the commands /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation stop and /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start, and here is the output after i tried start a n64 game: 0_1501196926433_log error.PNG

Ok guys!! Please help me!