Recal - Cardboard - Box
hey mates
One year ago i finished all the electronic parts of a "half" portable device (not really a handheld:)). After completion I didn't know what kind of case I want to have so all the stuff laid on my table for over 8 month
Then I asked a carpenter friend about a wooden case. But since he is very busy and I have to wait some time to get it, I already started with a prototype cardboard case which looks more or less like the final wooden one
I used a lot of wood glue and hot glue to keep the things together
Awesome ! Just missing a hand grip on top like a suitcase ^^
Haha yes, good idea. But it fits quite good in your hand. Its not that big
Are you using your HiFiBerry DAC+ on this project ? So using your python script to manage volume ? Should work with
(got a spare one if you ever want an ugly knob lol)
@Substring yes, it's a DAC+. Hahah noo, I am really satisfied with these digital vol+- buttons
a oldschool button would destroy the look and feel, haha
and the script works like a charm
But thanks for the info