12 Jun 2017, 11:41

@Substring That's exactly what I did and what I said after I had the error with the file. I fully forgot all devices in GFE, cleaned Moonlight and paired them again. You want me to do it again?

So did it again with reboot and now it's only showing version 4.0.2 and "recalbox" with logo at the bottom.
/etc/init.d/S31emulationstation stop
cd /recalbox/scripts/moonlight
./Moonlight.sh clean
You can now pair again your recalbox with a PC
./Moonlight.sh clean
You can now pair again your recalbox with a PC
./Moonlight.sh pair
Moonlight Embedded 2.2.2 (EMBEDDED;CEC;PI)
Too many options: No such file or directory
Moonlight Embedded 2.2.2 (EMBEDDED;CEC;PI)
Searching for server...
Connect to
Generating certificate...done
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770, GFE (protocol version 7)
Please enter the following PIN on the target PC: 2150
1017 / 1017
Succesfully paired
./Moonlight.sh init
Fetching games from ...
Scraping games ...
shutdown -r now

Broadcast message from root@RECALBOX (pts/1) (Mon Jun 12 13:43:10 2017):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!