Adding a Bluetooth Keyboard (Aerb mini bluetooth keyboard)
You can use nano after you connected through ssh with putty : check the root access
Thanks for clarifying, much appreciated. I love this retro gaming emulator build. I have tried several... They all sucked on many if not all levels. Please keep up the great work!
I will
For those Windows folks looking for an excellent gui for working on your Recalbox OS, download the following programs: Download the x86/x64 version of PuTTY and place in the a folder you create named PuTTY: C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY (Windows 64bit OS shown here) Username and Password for the Recalbox OS is : root / recalboxroot
Hi kryptto , if you can make a script to pair your keyboard to start the pi could you share it with us and post your code ? thanks a lot.
#!/bin/bash hidd --connect CC:BB:CC:AA:BB:CC
Ahh, that was it. I had to make the file have the proper permissions to kickoff by the OS. See attached Screenshot.
Hello thank a lot
could you share it with us and post your code ?
I saw you have a forum post in French with the Bluetooth config file. I wish I could understand french better. Something tells me by the looks of your post my primitive attempt is sheer luck. ~kryptto
Hello Yes, I posted a script to connect bluetooth controllers and it does not work with the keyboard and mouse apparently. Your simple line work fine with a another member I can translate it if you want to try
Unfortunately my fix works to autostart the keyboard on boot, as soon as my keyboard goes to 'sleep' and I hit any button, no response from the RPI. Anyone have ideas of additional code to add to make my settings more persistent? Kryptto
Hello try this command line :
#!/bin/bash hidd --connect CC:BB:CC:AA:BB:CC --server
Acris, Thanks for the advice, the addition of the --server command doesn't allow the command to complete. The keyboard never attaches. The pairing light normally will go steady once paired, the --server command never allows that pairing to complete. Kryptto
So here is what I did with addition of the startup script  Edit main.conf and rfcomm.conf files underr /etc/bluetooth  Change your mac address in here next to "device" and delete the "#" sign to the left of the comment. # Bluetooth address of the device #    device 11:22:33:44:55:66;   edited main.conf file -add your bluetooth mac address to DeviceID field. # Possible vendor id source values: bluetooth, usb (defaults to usb) DeviceID = bluetooth5678:abcd Another thing was that I hit the sync button on start up as well when rebooting raspberry pi or starting raspberry pi. hope that helps someone else!
Thanks Rico I will try your suggestion!