How to setup keyboard controls (via config file / ssh)
Hey thank you,
I followed the tutorial. I can somehow control recalbox now, but the mapping is entirely wrong. I use stick of player 1 for navigation and some buttons of player 2 to select games and some buttons of player 2 are also navigation. The tutorial explains I should create a file that is now there but completely empty. Can I use this file to set up my controls? If so—how do I know what to write? (I am an IT guy so you can get technical with me).
@luke on use the default mapping in winipac to configure your ipac2, then follow closely the tutorial, take care that the line to add in recalbox.conf isn't already there at the beginning of the file uf yes modify it (this was my problem)
Then just remap directions and buttons in Emulation Station and everything should be fine
Then just remap directions and buttons in Emulation Station and everything should be fine
The problem is, in Emulation Station you can only assign the keyboard to one player. I cannot map some keys to player one and some to player to. When I configure the keyboard for player one and then for player two, the keyboard as a device gets assigned to player two and the mappings for player one are lost.
@luke it's not the keybord you assign it's the controller. Did you follow the instructions on wiki ??
@voljega The instructions don't say anything about a controller. The I-PAC2 acts as a keyboard and is recognized as a keyboard by the system.
@luke not really it is used as a keyboard but mapped to two controllers and thus recognised as such
I mailed the maker of the thing. He told me this is a common misconception because some dude on Reddit said it but it is wrong. It is a keyboard.
@luke ok I'm wasting my time, if you don't wanna be helped, bye and good luck to you and the maker which apparently know better than us how it works on recalbox.
Dude this is the quote I have from the maker of I-PAC, Andy Warne:
The pre-2015 boards don’t have the game controller device so there should not be any issue.
I am sorry if I have upset you but I am telling you the I-PAC is recognized as a keyboard and I have followed the instructions from the Wiki and when I do that the mappings are wrong. I steer with stick 1 and have to push buttons from the buttons of player 2, some buttons of player one and all buttons of player two are not mapped at all.
And I cannot map 1 keyboard to 2 players using emulation station. So I am simply looking for a config file or something where I can enter the exact keys as they are mapped on my I-PAC2
@luke , I have exactly the same problem. My Ipac-2 is an older PCB, bought around 2007. I can use it as a keyboard in Recalbox, but I could not find how to define separate controls for two players. And yes, I've configured my setup following the tutorial @acris mentioned.
My device name is something like this: usb-Cypress_I-PAC_Arcade_Control_Interface-if01-event-kbd
@voljega , maybe my Ipac-2 PCB is a little different from the ones used by the devs...?
Any ideas?
@jonas search the forum there's another thread about it, some guy to make his work just a few days ago
If you find something let me know because I have the exact same problem and I cannot find anything.
All it would take would be an option (like a config file) to enter keyboard controls for 2 players.
So I found the config file to set up the keyboard controls, it's in /system/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg. There are lots of entries ("inputConfig"s) for different device mappings. However, each one is for a single player only and for keyboard I can only seem to have 1 entry, so for 1 player only.
I filed a GitHub Issue
Hello, I have a pre-2015 model of the I-PAC2 which is recognized as a single keyboard by the system (which is not an issue of EmulationStation, that is just how it was built). However, it seems impossible to set up 2 players using a single player with EmulationStation. I can only map one player who uses the I-PAC (recognized as a single keyboard for both players) to EmulationStation. When I want to set up the second player it removes the inputs of player one—it seems because one player can only use one device (in my case the I-PAC-"keyboard"), I cannot have 2 players use the same keyboard.
@luke Can you f**kin stop embarassing yourself and finally agree to follow the tutorial posted as the first response to your questions and the advices of people having a working IPAC2 on recalbox ?
Now you even posted an issue on a github project which doesn't have anything to do with your problems and which has been dead for at least the past two years.
@luke Can you f**kin stop embarassing yourself and finally agree to follow the tutorial posted as the first response to your questions and the advices of people having a working IPAC2 on recalbox ?
I told you twice I already did that
@luke and yet you still haven't tried to confgure your controllers in the ES menu. If they don't appear this mean you didn't do it right.
@voljega said in How to setup keyboard controls (via config file / ssh):
I was already aware of this post. But my iPac2 has always been configured as an USB keyboard, as default, and also mapped as default. I already added an extra button for the hotkey, as P1SW8, and all individual buttons work properly when tested in a PC running Windows. I followed the tutorial, too, and nothing changed.
So, this post/thread by crimsonblaed did not add nothing I had not tried already. Unless you mean I should try using evtest?...
I noticed the hardware ID in my 2007 board was different, so I believed that was the cause of my problems and also @luke 's. Our iPacs seem to be different and simply cannot use the current recalbox configuration.