Hi I'm wanting to use GPIO for my arcade project switches. I have buttons wired to the GPIO as per the manual. I have edited recalbox.conf and set " ;enable_mk_gpio=1 " When I reboot into Emulation Station and go to configure inputs, it does not recognise any button pushes...(no gamepads detected) Question is, do I have to install drivers and stuff to get this working or are they already included? Rpi2 and latest version (8) Phil
[RESOLVED] Setting up GPIO controller
Hi I'm wanting to use GPIO for my arcade project switches. I have buttons wired to the GPIO as per the manual. I have edited recalbox.conf and set " ;enable_mk_gpio=1 " When I reboot into Emulation Station and go to configure inputs, it does not recognise any button pushes...(no gamepads detected) Question is, do I have to install drivers and stuff to get this working or are they already included? Rpi2 and latest version (8) Phil
Hi, Please remove the ; It's written here : https://github.com/digitalLumberjack/recalbox-os/wiki/recalbox.conf-(EN) and here https://github.com/digitalLumberjack/recalbox-buildroot/blob/recalbox/board/recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf#L5
Again, I apologise for asking questions I should be able to sort out myself. Was busy reading about switching the 0 to a 1 and missed the ; removal. Anyway, it's working fine now.. Thank you for your work on this project... Phil (old guy who should read instructions)