11 Mar 2015, 13:58
Hi I'm sure I read that you could set the overclock in Sytem Settings. Have looked through the on screen System Settings menu but can't find any overclock tool. I'm using an Rpi2 and the latest Beta version... Phil
Hi I'm sure I read that you could set the overclock in Sytem Settings. Have looked through the on screen System Settings menu but can't find any overclock tool. I'm using an Rpi2 and the latest Beta version... Phil
i think it's only there on rpi1. BUT my rpi2 is on 900mhz instead of 1100mhz (the front page on recalbox.com is saying 1100mhz) i guess 1100mhz is too much though
Thanks... Phil
Overclocking is only available on rpi1. RPi2 is not as stable as the 1 when overclocked.