KlassiKo Theme (WiP)
@paradadf oh, did not see that it is on github
thanks for the information
Hi, nice theme
Just an information about ES and his ram management.
If you are using full HD background, 1920x1080, be careful.
ES loads each background, in raw on his vram. So we are very limited by number of systems that can be activated in the same time in ES.
I don't have anymore exact max number in my mind, but it is something like that :- 1080p : about 10
- 720p : about 20
- 480p : about 40/45
Once vram filled, you'll have a WSOD (White Screen Of Death) in ES.
That is why the old used theme in recalbox, simplelight, was reworked with 480p backgrounds, and we used some elements tiled and light svg in the new one, recalbox.
So until, a cache buffering be implemented in ES, be careful with your background resolution.
@rockaddicted @paradadf, Thanks for the info!
Like I said in a Retropie Post, try to convert your background as png, and compress them with pngquant or optipng... You can have surprise about the size it will be
(and maybe solve some WSOD problem
@screech Nope, ES loads files in raw, so the "size" of your file don't have impact. Only resolution (1920x1080, etc...) have one.
seriously ><
so a 100Ko png File in 1920x1080 will be as huge as a 10Mo BMP File in memory ?
What the hell with you EmulationStation, are you crazy ? ^^
Post updated, now i'm finally going to do some retrogaming this week
@RetroWilly Great work on this "system" theme, real nice
Keep up the good work!
@RetroWilly Looks great! I am excited for the final theme. Can you provide the system list which you support in your theme?
@lackyluuk I'm working on all systems currently supported by RecalBox, also 4.1 ready
Post updated
@RetroWilly Do you use other pictures for the gamelists or the same?
What about the gameboy classic picture for gameboy?That would br nicr
@lackyluuk Was doubting, but this is the one i will use for GB Classic, i think.
I will look into the possibilities to use multiple backgrounds for the gamelist. Might be a game played on that system.
Should work, hopefully without WSOD.
Wow @RetroWilly , the more you update this post, the more I can't wait to see your final result!
Question, does your "detailed" screen also have space to show game screenshots?
@maximus37 Thanks,
I'll head into it tomorrow to see what is possible. Didn't had a lot of time the last couple of days to work on it.
@RetroWilly Please, can you provide the background images to download?
@lackyluuk Thanks man...
Hey Retro, how is it going with your awesome theme? Can you update us with your progress? Thanks!
@maximus37, still working on it. Needs a little more love before releasing it
But i have besides my job also a pretty intense study next to it. So when i have some time i work on it, for sure!