[BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper
@paradadf Can you please explain to me what im doing wrong? Ive downloaded scraper.exe and fastscraper.
Ive put them in a folder called "roms" on my desktop and inside said folder are all the systems with roms that i want to scrap. I click on fast scraper, it starts, asks me "which systems do i want to scrape? All? " i enter "all"
then i append the existing game list. hit enter and nothing happens. What am i doing wrong? -
@wggallagher it is impossible that nothing happened... what does the console says? Do you get the duration? Have you downloaded the correct
(64bit version on a 32bit computer)? -
@paradadf I believe so, I'm running Windows 10. I downloaded the windows386 .zip. should be the right one.
@wggallagher what does the console says after you press ENTER on the appending questions?
@wggallagher 64 bit computer
@wggallagher nothing. It just goes off screen. Like it closes
@wggallagher what happens if you type a specific folder?
@paradadf if I run fast scraper as admin, it says I dont have scraper.exe, even though I do, and asks if if like to go to the website to get it
@paradadf if I tell it to scrape nes, instead of all, it does the same thing after the append question. But I can just run scraper.exe and it starts downloading pictures into a "images" folder it creates
@wggallagher have you changed anything inside the batch file? Try downloading it again. I have no idea what is happening. Otherwise, it must be something wirh your computers configuration.
@paradadf no, I didn't touch the batch file. I'll try downloading again. I see that it's suppose to produce a images folder and a gameslist.txt. Where do the they go on the memory card, if I get this to work? I know I have to stop emulationstston. I just don't know where to put those 2 new items though when I get them
@wggallagher They go exactly as the structure you created on your computer (that should be the same as on Recalbox). Next to the roms goes the
and the subdirectorydownloaded_images
. -
@paradadf ok, the 2 items created go in the roms folder. OK, thank you very much.
@paradadf I redownloaded and same results. Guess im SOL, thanks for your help anyway.
Im getting "too many connections" error the first time I use the FastScrapper.
I dont know what to do...... any suggest?
Thanks!!Scraping atari2600 in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:01 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping atari7800 in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:01 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping atarist in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:02 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping cavestory in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:02 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. 2016/12/06 03:55:02 INFO: hash.csv "e2315a44c3d4c5d200477a109e079f29" up to date. Scraping fba in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:02 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping fba_libretro in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:03 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping fds in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:03 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping gamegear in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:03 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping gb in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:04 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping gba in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:04 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping gbc in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:05 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping gw in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:05 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping lutro in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:05 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping lynx in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:06 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping mame in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:06 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping mastersystem in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:06 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping megadrive in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:07 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping moonlight in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:07 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping msx in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:07 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping msx1 in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:08 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping msx2 in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:08 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping n64 in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:09 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping neogeo in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:09 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping nes in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:09 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping ngp in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:10 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping ngpc in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:10 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping o2em in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:10 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping pcengine in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:11 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping pcenginecd in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:11 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping prboom in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:11 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping psx in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:12 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping scummvm in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:12 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping sega32x in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:13 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping segacd in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:13 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping sg1000 in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:13 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping snes in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:14 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping supergrafx in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:14 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping vectrex in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:14 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping virtualboy in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:15 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping wswan in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:15 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping wswanc in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:15 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping zx81 in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:16 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Scraping zxspectrum in progress. Please wait... 2016/12/06 03:55:16 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. got 429 Too Many Requests response Start : 3:55:00,90 Finish : 3:55:16,88 --------------- Duration : 00:00:15,98 D:\0_COPIA_SEG_RECALBOX\recalbox\roms>
I'd say you are having too many requests response XD
That depends on the data source. Have you increased the workers? Probably your IP is doing too many requests in a short period of time and the API is blocking you, I don't know.Fastscraper ist just a sort-of interface for sselph's scraper. I don't know exactly what every error displayed by it means, sorry.
It Only happens at night. At mid-day is perfect, so I suppose is a server limit for Ip range.
Creo que hablas Español, asi que tambien te lo dejo escrito en español
Creo que solo ocurre de noche, a medio dia funciona perfecto. creo que es una limitacion que esta aplicando el servidor a un rango de ips en concreto (yo estoy con movistar) -
I'm pretty NooB at this. How do I run commands from the RP3 in order to stop the emulation station before copying? I'm using a Windows PC. -
@pyrostic i strongly recommend you to read the wiki/manuals, as all the basic (and some advanced) festures and tricks are explained there.
https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Network-access-with-WinSCP-(EN) - 12 days later
Ok. I got the scraper to scrape my ROM files and create the xml file and images folder. When I put my SD card in and open the main folder, all I have is a boot folder of around 50 MB (of a 32 GB card) that doesn't show any of my ROM files to be able to place the images folder and xml file in there. When I put the SD card into my raspberry pi zero and load up Retropie, all my ROMS are on there and I'm able to play them, but it doesn't show any of the image files or game data if I put the folder and xml onto the boot area I'm getting when I plug it into my PC.
What am I doing wrong? Are the ROMS on a separate partition, or something?