[SOFT] Universal XML Scraper - Windows Scraper for your Recalbox
It's impossible to do it manually with UXS sorry.
But The question is : Why it didn't find the Rom informations.
Some possible answer :
The CRC of you Rom is not referenced (Not a problem if your Rom filename is )
The Filename of your rom is not reference (Have you renammed it ? If not it's a problem )
The game is Referenced ? (You can check that on Screenscraper website) So try to match the referenced Rom Filename for your gameLast thing : Screenscraper is not Full yet... It missing some Information/Media/Translation/... Don't hesitate to submit your proposition and fill the Database with the information you need
It Value the Database for everyone -
@screech Man, ur awesome, how many beers i own u already?
Thnks a lot, it will help me a lot!
You own me nothing ^^ But if you want you can participate to the Database
What you do there for you, you do it for me too (and for all the other users ^^) -
@screech i'll put a lot of them, be sure!
Thnks a lot man!
i'm a total noob
i can't scrape anything
i've tried a several time
its said number of roms Found found 0/0 romshere is how i did (please correct me )
0. put some roms to test on pi (neogeo, snes)- open the software
- use SSH Command to Stop Emulationstation
- go to Edit > Config
- Scraper (left side)
then save - back to Edit > Scrape all system >wait
- Result found 0/0
if anyone can help me
i'm really appreciate
Thanks in advance(sorry for my english)
You use Autoconf so you need to select a system before scrape
So Edit menu, auto configuration, select the system you want to scrape
Then clic on the center Arrow to scrape the selected system.
thanks screech
but still,
Contra (Jap).zip 4790081B 126 487 13:08.00 2015-08-02 E815373AD8353EE632E933F3A2718E10
Dragon Warrior (U) (PRG1) [!].zip 4B9A06A0 51 619 12:34.00 2009-06-14 9B2041E7A7061CB6CB3DA2D7C985064F
Dragon Warrior 2 (U).zip 29AD4CCF 128 101 19:38.00 2009-11-29 8ACC6684439A7E18E17A60BBCE9A9E4C
Dragon Warrior 3 (U).zip D1D7B154 253 103 19:38.00 2009-11-29 4265D648CAA965D05EED3E1996428269
Dragon Warrior 4 (U).zip FA181F61 405 924 19:38.00 2009-11-29 408AF81677F128792FF338616254D4A5got headached now
On wich plateform ? (I will check)
The scrape seems to work, but you rom seems to be not referenced on Screenscraper DB. -
i've tried nes, snes, megadrive, neogeo, mastersystem, gba
none of them work
i've tried other scraper tools
it's can find image okthanks
I speak about exemple you post :
Contra (Jap).zip 4790081B 126 487 13:08.00 2015-08-02 E815373AD8353EE632E933F3A2718E10
On wich system ?
@screech nes
Ok, so I really don't understand why it doesn't work :S
The game exist, not your CRC but the name is good.
Normally UXS must find it.
Try thisDownload the last version
delete all directory and file in UXS dir and put the new EXE
Try to launch UXS in Admin (optionnal)
Choose your language
Choose your profile
Say "Yes" to autoconf
Choose NES in the Edit/auto configuration Menu
Kill Emulationstation in the SSH menu
Clic on the Arrow to scrape. -
still no luck
but i mess around with config with this config
and the result is different
still no image in downloaded_images
but hey, its ok
thank you to make a great software -
Really really strange...
Can you pastebin you log file ?
i found possible problem
but im not sure it is
when i access your link
http://www.screenscraper.fr/gameinfos.php?gameid=18624its said
Vous devez vous connectez avec une adresse IP v4 visible !i google translated
its mean
You must log in with an IPv4 address visible!is it anything to do with my internet provider?
or i block anything
or this site block my IP:S :S
Arg !! Yes !! IP V4 is a necessity and no anonymous tools.
Sorry it's a Screenscraper restriction for security.
Can't you try with a standard connection ?
If you have an IP V6, you can try, MarbleMad just add it to Screenscraper.
i cant do anything
maybe it's my country (thailand) internet provider that use this protocol (I'm not sure)
maybe i have to use proxy server to use your software
i'll let you know if it work
case closedthank you screech!
I have exactly same problem and I have ipv4 connection.
mame works fine, but SNES never works...
No .xml and a missing.txt file created with all my game in directory. -
if it isn't a problem from the ipv4 side, and even more if mame works... then the "problem" is on your side. weird rom names that aren't on the database perhaps?