13 Aug 2016, 13:11

Tadaaaa !!!! V1.5.0.3

@supernature2k, @sassa, @paradadf, @digitaLumberjack :
It's done : A really new naming function 😉

This is some exemple to modify your profile :

$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|%RomName%|variable'
-> Full filename of the rom
Exemple : Zero Tolerance (USA, Europe).zip

$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|%RomNameShort%|variable'
-> Filename of the rom without extension.
Exemple : Zero Tolerance (USA, Europe)

$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:region'
-> Scraped Name and Scraped Region Merged. (So it work very well with Arcade game 😉 )
Exemple :
Scraped Name : Zero Tolerance
Scraped Region : USA
Name result : Zero Tolerance (USA)

$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:%FileNameBracket%'
-> Catch the first bracket ( '(' or '[' ) in the file name and merge the end of the filename (without extension) with the scraped name (An issue by @paradadf ^^ )
ex :
Game Name : Zero Tolerance
Filename : zerotolerance (USA, Europe) [Proto].zip
FileNameBracket : (USA, Europe) [Proto]
Name Result : Zero Tolerance (USA, Europe) [Proto]