[SOFT] Universal XML Scraper - Scrappez vos roms depuis Windows (Scrape your roms from Windows)
Sinon @Acris ne t'embête pas avec le renommage, le set no intro Vectrex se scrappe tout nickel avec UXS
@Supernature2k je viens de demander à Marblemad comment il souhaite procéder
je te tiens au courant
@screech Je pensai kil aurait fait une recherche sur les 1ers mots avant la.parenthese. Cependant je viens de recuperer le set nointro et je narrivr pas à la scrapper. Jai un message d erreur line19421 Error subscript used on non acessible variable. Jai testé les 2 dernieres versions. @voljega jai recupere les autres roms nommées ainsi.
Ah tiens la même erreur que j'ai temporairement sur l'avant dernière version
:S Je ne sais pas trop d'ou vient cette erreur :S Peut être le module de TimeOut (je vais checker)
@Supernature2k voila la réponse de MarbleMad :
Il est prévu au final (pas encore eu le temps de m'en occuper) que la base de données des fichiers roms (et leur CRC) soit auto-alimenté par les requêtes API du scraper ! En attendant, il faut me contacter en MP pour que j'ajoute les packs de roms connu et reconnu (pas du fait maison perso) a screenscraper !
Donc en gros, la grosse question c'est : d'ou viennent les roms qui sont en missing ? (D'un site particulier, d'un romset particulier, c'est du fait maison, c'est trop underground
) enfin voila.
Du coup, rien ne t’empêche d'envoyer un MP à Marblemad (via screenzone) pour lui envoyer un fichier avec les roms manquantes en lui expliquant d'ou elles viennent ect
@Screech j'ai jamais essayé mais est ce que ton scraper gère les sous répertoires ds un réertoire de roms ? (Genre snes/shootemup snes/rpg etc)
Malheureusement non... Pas pour le moment...
En fait j'ai bloqué la récursivité parce que ça fait des trucs bizarre ^^
Je dois pouvoir faire quelques modif pour que ça fonctionne, il faudrait que je me re-penche sur le sujet
Ok @screech, Ce que je voudrait ajouter en 1er ce sont des images PSX provenant d'un site anciennement listé par mr bot irc.
@Supernature2k c'est que ça doit être du fiable ^^ Donc vas y surtout que c'est léger sur psi
@screech, en fait la plupart des roms PSX sur ce site sont en .cue+.bin Du coup je fourni quoi à marble?
Les 2 ^^
Nouvelle version : V1.3.0.11
Correction du bug avec le message d'erreur en cas de TimeOut ^^ ça ne devrait plus le refaire
Hey @screech. First of all: AWESOME Tool! Thank you!
I just downloaded the latest version of it and ran into an error, while trying to scrape SNES (EU Only) games in a local dir. So I was not scraping directly to my Pi. I got the following error after it actually scraped the first few games and downloaded the images (Recalbox V4 Mix)
Any Idea, what this might've caused? I'm using 64bit
EDIT: I tried the latest one just now (, 64bit) which seems to be working fine, except the SSH commands are not working for me.
EDIT 2: With the latest version it has found all my SNES Games on my PI, downloaded all the images, but only every few are displayed in ES... any idea why this is happening? (There are only 60+ games on there) -
Hello @Nachtgarm
First of all, the last version is the
And this version fixe this error message (due to a TimeOut on Screenscraper)For SSH fonction, It work (at last on my Recalbox ^^) had you change some password ?
If so, you can edit the SSH config in the UXS-config.ini file :[CONNEXION]
Menu_SSH = 1
Plink_root = root
Plink_mdp = recalboxroot
Plink_IP = RECALBOXFor your SNES Scrape, if the SSH commands doesn't work had you kill Emulationstation manually ?
If not, that's why. Be sur emulationstation is killed before scrape (you have a black screen on your recalbox when it's done)
Let me know if there is other problem
I'll try to help you as much as I can.
Great job @screech, thank's for share this.
I have three questions...I can remove "-image" in the images files in Universal XML Scraper menus, UXS-config.ini or another place?
You think about create a checkbox, menu... to add "<image>./image/game.png</image>" in XML when don't find nothing in screenscraper.fr? To us put a image manually.
Would you be interested in a Universal XML Scraper translation in Portuguese too?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/y4cr2vwwi7mudsd/UXS-PORTUGUESE.XML -
Hello @PumpKHeaD
Thank you very much for the translation !!!
This is the new v1.3.0.12
With portuguese language ^^Concerning the missing image I'm not sur I understand your ask :S
If you want "in XML" file "./downloaded_images/game.png" when no image where found it's easy.
Juste Add :
$ELEMENT_12 = 'image|value|./downloaded_images/game.png|variable'
just after
$ELEMENT_10 = 'image|path:image|medias/media_screenshot|path:image'
$ELEMENT_11 = 'image|path:image|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs2d/media_box2d_%%|path:image'Don't forget to increment the following ELEMENT (12 become 13, 13 become 14 and so on til the end of the profile)
With this, you can have a unique image for every missing one.
If you want Adding in XML "./downloaded_images/xxx.png" where xxx.png is the name of the game. I need to check what I can do
(but it's not impossible, I just need a little more time to see how to do it
At last, for now it's impossible to remove the "-image" postfix to the file name. I need this for multiple image option (like if you want screenshot and 2DBox you can make a profile where there is "-screenshot" and "-2DBox" in the same directory.)
But I can give you an easy way to do it fast
Use a soft like xnview to mass rename your file (replace "-image." with "." in the filename)
And with notepad or other text editor, do the same (replace "-image." with ".") in your gamelist.xmlAnd voila ^^
@screech Thanks for the fast reply. So yes, all is working now as it should. I forgot, that I renamed my PI so of course I had to change the .ini as well.
Is the error I posted above the time-out error you are speaking of? Does not sound like one, but anyway... it has not reappeared after using
What do you think about a German Translation? Do you want me to help with that? Further I'd like to post your tool in the German Section as well, with a German Tutorial, if are ok, with it.
The error you posted is an error because in case of Timeout I'll try to show the real error code. And it's not working and crash the soft ^^
So now (in last version), in case of timeout you just have a message ^^ no error code so no problem ^^I'll be happy with a german translation ^^ (But I don't speak a word of german :p) Feel free to translate it and to post a Tuto in german section ^^
(I'll add the translate when you send it to me ^^)
Many thanks for your support.