The following emulators doesn't work: N64, sega32x & NeoGeo System: 4.0 beta 3 - The same also for V4 beta 2 Also all Bios-ROMs are installed with verified checksum check behavior: Tried round about 50 different games with the same result. After starting the screen get´s black for 5 seconds. After that I come back to the Main menu. I also tried to change the emulator settings to select other cores. But without an effect.
[4.0.0 - beta3] [RPI3] N64, sega32x & NeoGeo doesn't work
The following emulators doesn't work: N64, sega32x & NeoGeo System: 4.0 beta 3 - The same also for V4 beta 2 Also all Bios-ROMs are installed with verified checksum check behavior: Tried round about 50 different games with the same result. After starting the screen get´s black for 5 seconds. After that I come back to the Main menu. I also tried to change the emulator settings to select other cores. But without an effect.
I'll try tonight and see if I have the same issue.
32x and N64 work for me on beta3 also i'm sure N64 worked on beta2
Works for me as well
neogeo doesn't work. rpi 3 4.0.0 beta 3 I can play neogeo games with mame but not with neogeo
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
i have the same problem with neogeo on pi3 and recalbox4, no problem with pi2 and recalbox3
Hello all emulators work fine in rpi2/rpi3 with recalbox 4.0.0 beta 3 Please check if you are good romset for emulator neogeo by default is fba libretro , need romset FBA if you use romset mame 2003 , modify emulator into emulationstation menu > game options for N64 -> only *.n64, *.z64, *.v64 format supported
my romset is the same working on my pi2, i don't know why i have a lot of new problem with recalbox v4..
very strange, I use usb key in rpi2/rpi3 without problem. Do you have reinstall recalbox in another microsd ?
very strange, I use usb key in rpi2/rpi3 without problem. Do you have reinstall recalbox in another microsd ?